chapter five

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From a distance I could see Nari swaying uncontrollably, she had been dancing from a long time, but now she looked unstable. Her head moved to a different rhythm to her body. I stood up and made my way to her and just as I reached her, her knees gave way so I quickly grabbed her waist.

"Mingyu" she said turning around, she broke out in smile as she placed her arms around my neck. She looked beautiful smiling. What? Mingyu get that out of your head.

"Nari are you ok?" I asked as he continued to sway to the beat.

"Mingyuuu" she whined cutely. Drunk. SO drunk.

"Nari what did you drink?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I made nightinghaleee" she replied.

"What? Nightingale? How many cups did you drink" I asked

She held up 5 fingers. "WHAT? You drink 5 cups of that? Nari that's some pretty strong stuff and now you're drunk"

"Whattt? No, I'm completely fine" She exclaimed swinging her arms off me.

"So handsome but so annoying" she muttered, making her way jaggedly to the kitchen.

I followed her. "What did you said? Wait don't drink that" I snatched a whole bottle of vodka out of her hands.

"I said you are so handsome but so annoying" replied trying to reach for the drink. I raised and eyebrow.


"Give me the drink" she crossed her arms.

"What are you trying to run from that you need this much alcohol to supress it?" I asked making her frown more as she crossed her arms.

"How diidd youuu know" she slurred, I smirked at the face. Cute.

"Magic" I replied.

"Huh!? You're a magician?" She asked confused, her feet rocking back and forth.

"What?'s just a joke....never mind don't worry about it" I mumbled.

"Can I pleaseee have the drink" she asked trying to be cute.

"No. Let's get you somewhere to rest" I told her putting down the drink and grabbing her hand bringing her into a spare room in the house.

"I'm sleepy" she yawned eyeing the double bed as she threw herself on it.

"Hmm Kim Mingyuuuu" Nari sighed adjusting herself on the bed.


"You know I didn't knowww you liveed right next to me" she sang while looking at me.

Lived next to her? What?

"What do you mean I live next to you?" I asked her but by then she had drifted off into a seemingly deep sleep. Aish this girl.


The sharp pain that travels through my skull jolted me awake. My body moved adjusting to my numb left hand which rested under my body, I continued to moved restlessly until I felt an undeniable warmth from beside me. Wait. Wait wait wait. This is not my room. This is not my bed....ah shittt.

I slowly turned my head, opening my tired eyes and laid eyes on the figure sleeping next to me.

"KIM MINGYU!?" I screamed. The figure next to me shook awake, sitting up immediately.

"PARK NARI!?" He scream looking at me in a similar shock to my own. My heartbeat rose when I realised he was shirtless, paired with the look of his messy hair.

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