6. Nerves

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Frankie is my escort to the morning event that we still had to get dressed up

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Frankie is my escort to the morning event that we still had to get dressed up. Doc is going to owe me for this.  I am not one for getting all pretty that early in the morning.
We had crepe, bacon and blue berry muffin with juice and a coffee. I am called up to speak.    I introduce myself to the crowd and state "I am here on the behalf of the Morgan Hotel.  The hotel has always supported the community they reside in. Today is no different, I hand the director a check for 50,000 dollars for the children's new wing at the hospital for the purchasing of new equipment for the youngsters to play with.  The children are our future and we need to continue to invest in them."   Frankie and I socialized us than we left. "Sis, you did the Rizzoli family proud.  MA and papi looking down at you with pride. You know MA is bragging about you." Dani took us back.
" Jane I live streamed it for my fiance and your gal to hear it along with your other family who couldn't be here. I am to give you a hug and kiss from both of the Morgan women. " 
" Aye, don't I get a hug at least. I will pass on the kiss or my wife will have my head on a platter. "  Dani and I chuckle. " Frankie asks Dani,  "please drive my sister by the soccer field. I need to get a jersey for Dr. Samuels and Susie. If I don't come back with a jersey,  they have a locker with my name on it." Jane explains to Dani these two are soccer nuts and watch all the international games. They will hold up lab results until the game is done. We can blame Maura for that.  I cannot believe that was written up in their handbook by Maura and it still holds today." " Frankie I can do something better for you as well. Give me a few minutes." Dani is talking someone to personalize two jerseys signed by all the players and the coaches with two signed soccer balls signed by several of the more known players."
Dani drives in to the stadium that is only allowed for VIP's. Frankie and I look at one another. " Aye sis, here is what you asked. Tell Julia she still owes me for that bet." " Jane and Frankie Rizzoli I would like you to meet my brother, Gregorio Lyles, head coach of the team. "  Frankie said,  thank you.  I won't have to wait for lab results for a while now.  Yes." I explain to him that my brother and I work for the Boston police department as homicide detectives.  Susie and Samuel's are the doctors  who do our autopsy and tell them what Maura did. He  laughs.  "Maura really did THAT that is funny and awesome. Talk to you later sis."  "FRANKIE YOU ON VACATION.  STOP THINKING ABOUT WORK. " " Jane are you coming back or you thinking about staying here with Maura?"  " Frankie,  I don't know yet.  I haven't even discussed this with Maura. I  have met with the captain here. If I  stay here,  I can run their homicide unit and more pay. I will miss you guys, but since MA's death,  Boston is too hard for me to be there. Too many memories of MA." Frankie gets out. " See you tonight sis." Dani parks the car and walks with me inside to the lounge.  " Jane is this why you haven't been sleeping well? Sorry Maura told Julia with me present.  We are worried about you."
" Dani , yes but I don't discuss it with my doc. It makes it hard for her because she loved my MA too. I have three more months to decide." I see Jane talking with Dani and Dani is hugging Jane and she is crying. I  walk away. I know she is struggling, but she won't let me in. Dani later on after dinner,  will you drive me to a gun range.  I still need to buy more ammo."  " Jane do you mind some company.  I was going to go to the sport store to buy more targets and ammo. Jane what brand and caliber do you need, how much and I am guessing you don't have your protective glasses, earmuffs or other gear. Do you want come with me now after you change out of your sexy dress?"
" Yes, Iove too.  Please give me 20. I need to find doc to tell her too. "
I see my doc. "Maura wait up." I know she heard me but gets into the private elevator that I don't have access to. I take off my heals and run up the stairwell. I am out of breath. "MAURA ISLES FUCKING WAIT. I KNOW YOU HEARD ME." I PICK UP MAURA AND TAKE HER BACK TO THE ELEVATOR TO GO TO THE PENTHOUSE.  " Babe I know you are worried about me. Please come with Dani and I to the range after dinner tonight. I need to get some frustrations out on the range and not take it out on you or anyone else.  I love you." I kiss my doc and head into the room to change. Do you still have your 380? I will pick you up some boxes too. I promise I will tell you everything after we go shooting and some drinks."
Jane changes and kisses me by and heads out with Dani.
" Dani sorry it took longer than I had anticipated. " " Yes, I saw you on the cameras.  She didn't look to happy. "
Dani and I go by some ear plugs for me that are different than the bulky one for me and Maura.  We buy all of our supplies and show them my courtesy card from Italian Police that allows me to buy more ammo than what is allowed.  I dropped three hundred dollars just on equipment and ammo.  I didn't realize that all of the drivers are concealed carriers.
Dani said she feels like a drink at a pub. " Dani if you want to sure. I don't drink when I know I duty or go to a range.  I will order a non alcohol beverage. " " "JANE I DON'T DRINK EITHER. I JUST THOUGHT YOU MIGHT WANT TO TALK. "   " NO THANKS, BUT I ALREADY PISSED OFF MAURA. I DON'T NEED TO BE IN THE DOG HOUSE FURTHER.  AN ISLES WOMAN ARE AWFUL WHEN YOU ARE IN THE DOG HOUSE.  I HAVE LEARNED THAT OVER THE YEARS. " " I forget she had another name besides Martin.  "  Dani drops me off in front and  I head to the ph. I SECURE THE AMMO IN THE SAFE.  My doc is there laying on the bed. I join her.

" Jane before we go downstairs I want to get this off my chest

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" Jane before we go downstairs I want to get this off my chest. I know you are struggling with Angela being gone and you have too many memories in Boston. I know you have looked into s position here with the PD. Sweetie,  I love you and will support you in whatever decision you make.  I need you to talk to me and stop shutting me out. I don't want us to be like how you were with John or Casey. " I  hold Jane and she just cries. " I don't need to tell  you much more. I have three months to decide. If I stay here with you babe. I will lead the homicide department.  You know I like being hands on and not playing politics. I love being a cop and I love you Dr. Maura Dorthea ISLES. " Jane kisses me passionately.  " JANE WE HAVE TO GET GOING TO COOK DINNER FOR ALL OF US.  I WILL GO WITH YOU TONIGHT AND I WANT TO GO TOMORROW DURING DAY LIGHT HOURS TOO. " My doc kisses me and we get up.

Tonight's menu:
FOCCACIA BREAD -  I baked this morning earlier.
Ice tea
Mixed fruit cheese cake
Our family and and Dani met us downstairs.  Dani looks at me with concern.  I put my thumb up. Dani smiles.  We are visiting for two hours after we eat dinner.  Jane starts to her family,  " Maura and I will be busy until tomorrow evening.  Jenna and Dani available for tomorrow.  Jenna is available tonight."
Maura has always been a fan of ncis. I bought her that hat when I  went to DC.
Maura and I get our weapons and travel with them locked in our bags. Maura I got you some different plugs if you want to try them out instead of wearing the bulk ones.
Jane finishes early and Dani being ex military is amazed at my shooting abilities. I work with Maura on some drills.

 I work with Maura on some drills

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I am quite impress with Dani's ability

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I am quite impress with Dani's ability.  Maura and I clear our weapons. Dani places her hell cat back in her iwb holster. We are the last one's there.  We pay for the range time and secured the weapons in the back of the town car. Dani takes us to one of her and Julia's hangouts. I have not shot billards in awhile. We stay about two hours and head back to the hotel.  " Jane I  am taking the rest of tomorrow off  after picking up my fiance from the airport.  I am reminding you just in case Julia forgot to say something.  I still want my good record intact." Dani gives  Jane and I  a hug. Dani heads up to her new penthouse digs.  Maura and I secure our weapons on the side of the bed.  We take a long bath together and just talk about what I am going to do and my hesitancy. Maura sits behind me and wraps her arms around me.  We finally decide to go bed. Jane kisses me passionately good night. Jane knocks out right away snoring a little bit. I still am awake thinking about my future with Jane. I have an engagment ring in my office safe. I am just waiting for tomorrow to propose. Her brothers are in on it. 

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