27. Looking

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"Dani do you want to come with me to look at property? I need to find a building and get my practice going again but first,  we are stopping by to get you a scooter. The contracter will be installing a ramp to get in the house. Jane and I want you to still go outside and enjoy the landscape and beautiful sky than being stuck inside. Your doctor approved a scooter for you to use." Maura and I find the perfect scooter.  One that is sturdy but light enough to put in our suvs. Maura loads it up and we go see several. Maura finds the one she likes. She contacts Jane and shows her via her iPad on what her final one she likes. "DOC its in a good area too. Go for it. I will be home tonight late. I am going to see Frankie when I get off of work. PLEASE leave my  dinner in the oven. Love you doc." Maura signs the contract to purchase the building and writes a check. She contacts her contractor to meet her tomorrow in the afternoon so she can go over what she wants done to begin in a week once escrow closes. Maura doesn't feel like cooking tonight. Maura calls in her order for our dinner of Thai food. Maura has me wait in the car while she goes in and picks it up. She brings out three boxes.  She places them on her hood. She unlocks her back door and places the food inside. TJ, Ronnie are already home studying together in the lounge. " TJ please take the scooter out and bring it inside for Dani. Ronnie helps me bring in the other box.  We set up for dinner and Julia walks in just in time to wash up and to sit down with us. Maura had already made a plate with extra servings on what Jane likes in the oven. " Ronnie and TJ how were your first days?" "Maura the same old for me just a new college but I don't have to be worried about being away from my loved ones." "Auntie Maura alot of science involved and alot of homework for the first day. I need to hurry and eat. I still have alot to do before tomorrow and still iron my clothes too." "TJ just leave your clothes out, I will iron the rest of this week so you can concentrate on your studies only and not on Ronnie's assets. We are older but not blind." Ronnie blushed and TJ take a a deep gulp of his ice tea. We all laugh.  " TJ its okay to love and admire your gal, but we all want you to do well as well as Ronnie. "  " Thx Julia.   I am done gotta go." TJ kissed Ronnie's top of her head and went back into the living room. Ronnie says, " Maura, I think as time goes on, TJ is going to need your help with the science.  I was able to help him tonight."  "Thx for the heads up."  " I am going to start ironing his clothes and than I will clean up."  Julia says, "Maura we got the clean up.  We know you still have work to do on your new medical office." Maura nods and smiled and heads off to get the clothes TJ left out. " Julia she bought her building already? Wasn't she just planning to look only this week?"  " If Maura sees something she doesn't wait. You should know that by now kiddo. She heard about your dilemma and jumped into action that night. She didn't wait on a response from your aunt Jenna response."  " I want to help her on what I can do while still keeping up with my studies."
"Ronnie she will appreciate it, but she may decline your help. She is all about improving your self and education falls into that category."  " I am going to get back to my studies."  Julia cleaned up the kitchen and Dani transferred the extra food in new containers and placed in refrigerator. I came by Julia and wrapped my arms around Julia as much as I could. " Babe let me finish this and I am all yours upstairs."
" BABE I rather go swimming first to get some exercising. I have been sitting down all day. I am going to go get in my shorts and t-shirt, since I cannot fit in a bathing suit any more. I would rather go skinny dipping, but TJ is awake."  TJ walked in and heard Julia. "I am going to get some coffee and water. I will go to my room so you two can go skinny dipping. I promise not to look. Ronnie would have my hide."  " I  am going to do a little more but will do that in the pool house. You two have fun." TJ walks Ronnie to the pool house and comes to get his coffee and water. Julia goes upstairs to get some robes and adidas slippers. Julia turned on the heat for the pool to a bearable temp for Dani. Dani gets in and its cold. She screams. I run outside with my gun because I heard DANI scream. " I am sorry Maura no need for your gun. Your sweet. I got into the Julia barely turned on the heater. " " OKAY as soon as I finish, I need to unwind before I start on my sketches for the building. Do You two mind if I join you?" Jane walks outside. " I am not sure what you were talking about, but I want in too. " Maura kisses me. " I was asking them if they would mind me swimming while they skinny dip. "  Dani says,  "the more the merrier. "  I eat my dinner quickly and go upstairs to get my robe, slippers and towels for us all.  I hurried up and got undressed and joined the three of them. Maura and Dani were racing one another. Julia is just laughing and is just swimming in place. I see Jane dive in. She swims to me and goes underneath me and flips me over in the water. " Jane you going to get it now." Julia laughs. " If you think you can catch me,  than do it." Maura and I swim out of the way and we laugh. Julia is determined to get Jane.  JANE comes behind me and uses me as a shield . Julia snickers and dives under and swoops Jane up under her and tosses her. We all laugh.  Jane swims to the top and she says, " oh you are mine now. No mercy for you." Jane nails her good and puts her in a lock move that Julia cannot get out of and kisses her. Dani is running her fingers along my back.  I turn to face her and kiss her.  We all are making out and pleasing the other ones wives but holding our moaning down so the kids don't come out. They don't know we have sex with each other's spouses.  We all get out and dry ourselves and place our robes and sandals on. We go into Maura and a Jane's room because they have the better bed for Dani. We fuck not love fuck one another spouses. After two hours, Maura says she has to go to her office to do some work. She kisses Jane and Dani. You all sleep in here." We nodded off before Maura returns . I enter my bedroom around two and see Jane in the middle between Juls and Dani.  They are all spooning one another. I get into bed and go behind
Dani and spoons after kissing my wife and Dani good night.

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