Chapter 8: "S"

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“That’s a wrap everyone!”, a round of applause started right when Nigel finished the sentence. The photoshoot for Nylon Magazine was more challenging than they thought it would be. It was a long hard day and everyone was so happy that they could finally drive back home to their family and take some rest.

“Where do you want to go Taylor?”, the driver asked as Taylor quickly got into the car, out of the sight of all the paparazzi outside the building.

“Home. Oh wait. No, not home. Take me too Karlie’s house”, Taylor said.

“I’m not sure if it’s a good idea Taylor. The rumors haven’t....”

“I know what I’m doing.”, Taylor didn’t even let Tree Paine finished her sentence. She was so sick of people telling her what to do. “I will drop you off at your apartment. You’re my publicist, not someone who follows me 24 hours a day telling me what to do. I have my mom doing that already”

“Well then”, Tree Paine calmly replied. She didn’t feel like starting an arguement with someone right then, especially when that “someone” was her boss. “But keep in mind that we both want the best for you”
Taylor sighed. She felt terrible for being rude to her publicist. Tree Paine was just doing her job, so was Andrea. She shouldn’t have blamed all of her problems on them. The car stopped as Tree saying her goodbye to Taylor, leaving her alone with the anxiety of the thought of meeting Karlie. “What if Karlie refuses to see me? What if she has already been over me?” . There were so many things that could possibly went wrong and Taylor had to make sure that none of them would happen.

“We’re there”, the driver gently reminded Taylor. She was so immersed into her own world that she almost forgot about everything happening around her.

“It’s time”, Taylor took a deep breathe and left the car. She walked towards Karlie’s house and stopped right in front of the door. Taylor wanted to knock but at the same time she was afraid. “Does she want to meet me? What if Karlie slams the door right when she sees me?”. Those questions kept Taylor’s arm hanging in  a weird position. Half of her wanted to knock the door. The other half didn’t. Taylor stood still in silence. Finally, she took her phone out of her bag and made a phone call.

To Karlie.

But no one picked it up.

“Hey I’m Karlie. I’m afraid I can’t talk to you right now. Please leave me a message and I’ll try to reach you as soon as possible!”


“Hey Karlie, it’s me...It’s me Taylor....Well I.....*sigh* I am so sorry for being extremely stupid and spontaneous and I know I was wrong Karlie...I.....I shouldn't have blamed it on you....I couldn’t sleep last night...I sat there by the window and I thought about you and me and everything....I don’t know if you’re gonna give me a second chance or not....But Olivia...she really misses you! I am standing in front of your door right now. But I was so scared to walk in I...I’m not good at apologizing....But you ought to know that my words are honest...Please forgive me Karlie”

Taylor put her phone down and wiped her tears. “I should have done that sooner”, she blamed herself as she took a step back. Giving the very last look to the cold door, Taylor turned back and was about to go home when suddenly, the door opened.

“Hey”, Karlie stood there behind the door with her arms folded. “So...did you just say that Olivia misses me?”, she smiled.

Taylor, who was halfway to her car,turned her head back and covered her mouth with both hands. She swiftly ran back to Karlie’s house and gave her a hug. “She does”, Taylor whispered, “And so do I”

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