Chapter 6: Under the spotlight

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We were having breakfast together, talking and laughing just like those days. He was so kind and sweet, but I couldn’t fall in love with him right then. Wake up Taylor! Wake up! You had to find a way to make up with Karlie. She was the one for you. I kept reminding myself not to fall under the spell of love. But it was hard considering the one who casted the spell was Taylor freaking Lautner. My recovery was going quite well, all thanks to his gentle care. I couldn’t help but realizing his special feelings for me. It was crystal clear as I overheard him talking on the phone, asking the director to take a day off in order to spend more time for me.

I hadn’t received any messages from Karlie. I wanted to call her so bad, but I didn’t know how to say sorry to her. Would she forgive me? Could you fix a mirror when it had already been broken? There were so many questions going on in my head. And the only one who had been there for me was no one else than that tall guy standing agaist the wall, drinking his cup of coffee. I always felt safe being with him.

It was a peaceful, sunny day until the storm finally arrived.

Mom sent someone to come and pick me up at Lautner’s house around midnight. On contrast to what we expected, there were many paparazzi waiting for us in front of the house. No way. How could they know I was here? Did I get caught driving to his house yesterday? “Taylor Swift visited her ex in the middle of the night, drunk and unconscious”. What a terrific headline it would be! But it wouldn’t happen. We were talking about Andrea Swift. A woman like Andrea Swift wouldn’t let things like that happen. She asked Lautner to drive out of his house earlier that night in order to distract the paparazzi. I only came out of the house when they had already left and been too busy chasing after a headline that would soon be turned into bubbles.

Finally, I came home.

Mom was sitting right there waiting for me.

“Are you feeling any better?”, she asked, unexpectedly.

“I’m fine mom.”, I hesitated a bit, carefully choosing the right words to say. I had already laid my armour down. I didn’t want to have one more fight with her, not anymore....

I felt strange that she didn’t interrogare me about my sudden disapperance.

“Take a look at this”, she said with a deep, cold voice as she threw something onto the table. It took me a quite to figure out what it was. But the headlines was big enough for my blubbered eyes to get them straight away.


Taylor Swift is well-known for her super clean image whose only problems are boys and boys and boys. Despite the fact that her ex list is longer than United States Declaration of Independence, she never seems to make any unforgiveable mistakes.But that’s just the Taylor that they want us to see. The real Taylor Swift behind the mask is, well, not as much as and “angel” like she is described.

Taylor Swift got spotted driving her car out of her house in the middle of the night. She stopped by a small pub and had some drinks and probably some shisha with her friends (OH MY GAWD! GOOD GIRL IMAGE??). She was pretty drunk afterwards. But it was not the only way Taylor could have “fun”. She later drove back to her house in LA and what happened after that would probably blow your mind away!

We have all the INSIDE SCOOP!!!

Guess who came up to meet Taylor that night? Well if you’re expecting for one of her exes than you’re totally wrong. It’s one of her besties (ex-bestie), Karlie Kloss! But why did Karlie come to Taylor’s house in the middle of the night?

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