Chapter 4: When the tears had fallen

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Andrea was standing still. She was still in shock that she could hardly say anything. Her hands were shaking and her face soon turned red. She looked like she didn’t know how to react to the mess she was looking at. Two young girls, kissing and touching each other. And to make the situation worse, one of them was her daughter.

“Mom. I....I can explain”, Taylor stuttered. She shook her head constantly, “It’s not what you think mom..... I can explain”

Karlie looked confused and embarrassed. She kept her head down like a kid being caught of eating sweets on the sly. It was an awkward situation for the three of them.
After seconds of silence, Andrea finally managed to calm herself down. The shocking and confusing expression had been slowly replaced by anger. But she tried her best to keep her tone down

“Karlie..”, Andrea’s voice was still shaking, “I’m afraid we can’t keep you for the rest of the night”
Karlie slightly nodded. She grabbed her clothes, got back into her room and left the house that night, leaving Taylor alone with a ticking bomb.

“Mom...I....”, Taylor didn’t know how to explain it with her mother. She had already known how her mother would react after seeing something like this.
But Andrea didn’t say anything.
She kept looking at her daughter with the look of disappointment and fear. She had finally seen the other side of her daughter, the side that Taylor had been hiding from her for such a long time. She couldn’t think of anything to say right then. Andrea slowly turned around and headed back to her room like nothing had happened.

“Mom. Please listen to me!”, Taylor begged. She didn’t want to leave a question without an answer. “Mom, I can explain!”

“Explain?”, cried Andrea, “What do you have to say for yourself? I think I’ve seen enough for tonight.”

“Please mom, I’M BEGGING YOU!”, Taylor shouted.

“Please don’t wake anyone up if you don’t wanna end up on the first page”, Andrea said coldly, “I don’t wanna talk about it”, and she turned away.

Taylor sat down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She knew this day would come, eventually. But she had never thought about how she would deal with it.

Her phone was ringing again. Karlie’s calling.

But Taylor didn’t want to answer it right then.


I wish mom could just scold  me right now. Maybe it would be better than her blank looks and deadly silence. In front of other people, she was still smiling and joking and acting like nothing had actually happened. But when there were two of us, alone in the room, she refused to look into my eyes and always ignored when I tried to say something to her. The day soon passed with the photoshoot for the new album, more interviews, and a daughter who was desperately trying to get her mother’s love back.

We were on our way back to our house in New York. Mom was still mad at me, I supposed. Putting on my earphones  again. “The Best Day” was on. It almost brought me to tears.

“Now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side
Even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day
With you today”

But mom, were you still on my side now?

When we arrived, I was pretty sure mom would still playing stranger with me again. But right after we entered the house, she quickly talked to me again.

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