Chapter 5: Temptation

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Taylor opened her eyes and found herself on the couch in the living room. There were many empty bottles lying disorderly on the floor. “I must have drunk too much yesterday”, she thought. And she had to suffer a terrible headache due to the overdose of neuroleptic. Taylor tried to move but she couldn’t. Every inch of her body was aching real bad. “Great, now my own body is betraying me””. Swift tried to reach to her phone, which was on top of the magazines, but ended up wiping them all off the table. Her phone was still ringing, but Taylor didn’t even attempt to answer it. She lied still on the couch, looking blatantly at the wall as the sound of the phone getting louder. Tears would have been streaming down her face then if they hadn’t already been used up last night. She was exhausted, and deeply broken. There were nothing left they could try to take away from her. The drugs must have affected her physically. But it was not the only thing to blame...

“Where is she? She should have been here 30 minutes ago!”, Kevin complaint as he tried calling her again., “She’s not answering! Goddamn Swift!”

He threw his phone back to the table and continuously messing up with his already-messed-up hair. He kept swearing at everyone he met and anyone who came close to him would probably be blamed for every problem he had in his life.

“Kevin! Where’s Taylor? The interview will be up in the next hour!”

“Try calling her mother?”

“Have you sent some people to her house? She must have overslept”

“FOR GOD’S SAKE I DID. SHE’S NOT THERE”, Kevin kicked the chairs and pretended that they didn’t hurt him at all, while they did.

The studio had never been that chaotic since Kim Kardashian unintentionally (or not) exposed her boobs on the live morning news.

Kevin picked up his phone again and tried to call Andrea. The ringing made his anxiety go higher than ever. Finally someone picked it up on the other line.

“Everyone shut up! I’m talking to Andrea.....Hi Andrea. Is Taylor with you? She hasn’t showed up yet. No? She’s not? She’s not home either. Do you know where she is now? We need her in about...40 minutes...Yeah, we can have a few changes in the schedule if necessary. 40 minutes? Okay? Thank you”, Kevin said with a hundred eyes on him.

Andrea hung up as she hurriedly put on her overcoat and rushed to her car. What could possibly happen to her daughter that made her forget about the schedule? She had never been irresponsible like that before. Andrea sighed. Was she being a little harsh with Taylor yesterday? Only God knew where Taylor was. She was one of the biggest stars of the industry. Where could she possibly go without being spotted? Andrea drove to every corner that she thought her daughter might pass by. No signs of Taylor. She drove around the city for 30 minutes. The phone rang. New message. The team had already found someone to replace Taylor. But Andrea had to kept on searching. . The live morning show wasn’t her concern. The team could make up a reason for her absence. Andrea was worried about her daughter, whose safety might be in dangerous right now.

But never in a million years could Andrea imagine where her daughter was.


It had been 10 hours and Taylor hadn’t eaten anything. But she didn’t even care about her empty stomach while fever and headache were still taking their revenge on her. Her body was frozen in pain and she couldn’t do anything but sneezing and coughing non stop. Gosh, what had she done the previous day? She was home, wasn’t she? It was hard to see anything when your eyes were still swelling. But it didn’t feel like home, it didn’t. But there was no energy left for her to think about it. Taylor slowly fell asleep again.

But in her dreams, she could still feel a warm hand touching her face.

Taylor tried to open her eyes, but they were too heavy. Wasn’t she blubbering all night? All she could see was a shadow, but she couldn’t quite recognize it. Was she still dreaming? Was this some kind of a side effect of the drugs? The shadow shaped into a familar face. But not until he spoke did Taylor recognize who he was.

“Are you feeling any better?”, a warm, gentle voice began to speak. “I wouldn’t have left you here alone had I known about your fever”

Taylor slightly nodded, unconsciously. She gathered all of the remaining energy in her body, trying to touch his face. The nose, the lips, the cheek bones. She was not mistaken. It was really him.

“Here, drink this and you’ll feel better in no time”, the mysterious voice was talking again

Taylor opened her mouth and swallowed the pills. Gosh, they were so bitter. But she was so tired that she fell asleep almost immediately.

Taylor slowly put her hands right back. He covered her body with a big blanket in order to keep her warm. Taylor took a few steps back and admired the beauty of the creature lying down on the bed. He laid a kiss on her hair, then quickly left the room without waking her up.

“After all this time?”, he looked at his reflection in the mirror, tried to find an answer for all the non-sense things happening in his head without knowing that the answer had been there all the time.

“Yes. After all this time”

4 years, and they’d met again.

Who would have thought he would come home and found Taylor sitting in front of his door? She must have been very drunk and drove there unconsciously. He remembered the first time she came to his house, the worst night of her life - being interrupted by a douchebag. They talked all night long and it was the first time he had seen her cry. Maybe she still considered him as a shoulder to cry on? Maybe that could explain why she visited his house with no purpose. Was that all he was in her life? Just a friend? Just a shelter for her to go back everytime she got hurt by a storm? Taylor smiled. Even if she thought so, it’d still be a privilege he wanted to have. If only Andrea hadn’t been there between them. Maybe they could be a thing then....

Andrea...he suddenly remembered. Did her family know she was here? She must have gone here without telling them. They might be freaking out right then.
Taylor walked into the room and grabbed Taylor’s phone. He searched for Andrea’s number and called her immediately.

“Oh...hi Mrs. Swift ....I’m Taylor Lautner. Taylor...she....she’s at my place right now. She’s in my house in LA. I wonder if she had told you she was gonna go here....”, he kindly said.

Andrea was shocked. She had never thought Taylor could be there. What would the press say if they found out about this? She'd had enough of this reputation. Andrea was about to go there and picked her up. But on second thought....

Maybe it would be better if she fell in love with Taylor Lautner again....

Maybe it would keep her out of Karlie Kloss....

Maybe she didn’t have to be a cruel mother in her daughter’s mind anymore...

“You know what....Please take care of Taylor for the rest of the day...I’m gonna cancel all of her upcoming shows due to the health problem. I can’t go pick her up right now since the paparazzi are still around. Thank you, Taylor, for your kindness”, Andrea responded, getting things back into the place she wanted them to be.

“Okay...You’re very welcome Mrs. Swift”, Taylor hung up. He didn’t see it coming.

But getting one more day with Taylor, he smiled, wasn’t he happy just thinking about it?


Taylor woke up and found herself in a strange, pretty bedroom with white blank walls and high ceiling decorated with little stars and planets, making you feel like you were looking at a beautiful night sky. Her body was still aching, but the fever and headache had already gone. She looked at the table besides her and found some medicines. Where was she? Who had taken care of her yesterday? She remembered hearing someone calling her name, but she couldn’t quite make out who it was.

“Hello?”, Taylor tried to shout as loud as she could, “Is there anybody here?”
There was no reply, but Taylor could clearly hear the footsteps. Someone was coming.

He stepped into the room, trying to keep distance. He didn’t want to get attached to someone who probably didn’t have any feelings for him.

Taylor Lautner was there.

Meeting Taylor Swift.

There were minutes of silence and confusion, as Taylor didn’t get any idea how she got here. She looked at that beautiful man standing there, leaning against the wall, with his tan skin, his sweet smile, the things that made her fall in love with him at the first day. “What is happening?”, Swift talked to herself, “Am I daydreaming?”. They didn’t say anything to each other, just stayed still and looked at each other’s eyes. For a moment Taylor could feel her heart skip a beat, while she shouldn’t....

“Are you feeling any better?”, Lauter finally broke the awkward silence in the room. “I was so worried about you”

“Well, yeah, I’m fine now, just....”, Swift stuttered, “I don’t wanna sound stupid but....Do you have any idea why I am here?”

Taylor laughed comfortably. She was still the same Taylor he knew. Fame didn’t change her, or at least time didn’t change his feelings for her.

“I’m asking myself the same question. You girl, drove a long way to my house yesterday, without knowing where you were heading to?”, he smiled.

“I’m pretty sure I was drunk....”, she admitted, even when she hated to.

“What happened with you? I haven’t seen you this drunk since the VMAs incident”, he stood straight up and slowly walked towards her. He wanted her to tell him everything, and if she wanted to cry, he’d still be there for her.

“Nothing...Just a fight with my mom.”, Swift couldn’t remember anything happen after that. Damn it, when did she start drinking?

Mom, mom.

Wait a minute, mom was probably freaking out right now.

“I have to call my mom. She doesn’t know I’m here!!!”, Swift hurriedly stepped out of the bed, looking everywhere to find her phone.

“Calm down Taylor. I did call her. She’s already known. She said she’ll pick you up as soon as possible,maybe when the paparazzi are gone...”,

“Really?”, Taylor breathed a sigh of relief, “It doesn’t sound like her tho...”, she smiled.

“I know, I know...”, there were so many things he wanted to say to her. But all those things seemed inappropriate right then. A half of him wanted to be close to her, while the other half didn’t. They wouldn’t be together, eventually. So why try?

“Do you want some coffee?”, Taylor tried to break the awkward situation, “Oh I forgot...You just recovered...You must be hungry..Let me make you some breakfast.”, he winked at her and quickly went out of the room, leaving Taylor alone in the bed, still looking quite shocked and confused at everything.

Swift tried to recover her memory. What actually happened last night? She remembered leaving her house after the fight, driving for about thirty minutes before coming back. Hold on...She met Karlie there. She met Karlie there and they had a quarrel. Taylor began to feel worried. Wait...Were they already breaking up? Taylor recalled seeing Karlie storm out of the house. She was trying to chase after her but she couldn’t...Maybe, maybe she stopped at a grocery store and bought some drinks. Hold on...What happened after that? Taylor couldn’t remember anything further than that. Why was she driving to Lautner’s house? Why? Why not anyone else’s? Why did it have to be Taylor Lautner’s?

Taylor tried to find an answer for all the non-sense things happening in her head without knowing that the answer had been there all the time.

"I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that September night
The first time you ever saw me cry

Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless dreaming
But if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right
I'd go back in time and change it, but I can't
So if the chain is on your door, I understand..."

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