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Tony: fine I won't make more jokes. you changed into your clothes you laid on the bed. Tony: tell me about yourself why are you in las vegas? you sighed You: will I been failing school for some reasons. Tony: why? You: I don't know my parents been very unfair to me I sometimes feel lonely. Tony: don't be. Tony: so what's the real reason you came to las vegas. You: my mom said it will be better to be here with my aunt they always been unfair to me you should see the attention my sister gets. Tony: you have a sister? You: yeah I just don't talk a lot about her me and her don't get along a lot. Tony could see you were really upset. Tony: let's not talk about this. You: ok Tony: hey y/n just know you are beautiful it doesn't matter if your parents don't listen to you remember you have other people that love you I know your sister loves you she just doesn't show it. You smiled. You: thanks Tony: your welcome

Falling For My Kidnapper - Tony LopezTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang