dr k

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Chapter Two"Now fix him up Dr K"

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Chapter Two
"Now fix him up Dr K"

The 4 teens cycle down the hill looking ahead at the scenery around them.

"I think it's great that we are helping the new kid but also we need to think of our own safety. I mean, he is bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? My mom's friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole on the subway. And a drip of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail! And you can amputate legs and arms. But how do you amputate a waist?"

They ignore Eddie's rant and cycle into an alleyway to let the nameless boy sit down, "You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that? Hey."

"Ahh we are screwed." Rebecca kneels down to look at the wounded boy, "Richie wait here, come on. Rebecca!"

Rebecca catches up to the 3 boys, "Guys it looks really bad. Will he be okay?" "Probably not no!" Eddie almost screams, frantically.

The boys and girl step into the shop and let Eddie grab everything he needs. "Can we afford all that?" "It's all we got" Stan says showing Eddie the money, "You kidding me?"

"Wait you have an account here don't you?" "Yeah use that Eddie!" Rebecca says her nerves just about almost going away, "If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself, I'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency roomed getting X-rayed." Rebecca snorts before turning back to the shelves.

"Oh, hey Beverly" Rebecca says spotting her new friend who was standing at the end of the isle.

The red head goes to wave but obviously has something behind her back that she didn't want the 3 staring boys in front of her to see.

"Y-you ok?" Bill asks, "I am fine, what's wrong with you?" Beverly snaps back while Rebecca tries to hide from Greta who was leaving the shop. She had completely ignored Greta since the bathroom incident and didn't want her to ask any questions.

"None of your business." Stan says before Eddie blurts out what really happened, "There is a kid outside. Looked like someone killed him."

"We need some s-s-supplies, but we don't have enough money." Beverly looks down and back up before offering to help.

Her idea was the distract the shop owner Mr Keene who was known as a bit of a perv, and Beverly being Rebecca's new friend, she didn't want her to go alone.

"I like you glasses Mr Keene." She is right! You look just like Clark Kent." Rebecca adds to Beverly's statement.

"Oh" Mr Keene says laughing creepily, "I don't know about that." "Can I try them?" Rebecca asks, "Can we both try them?" She then adds pointing to the girl standing next to her.

The man thinks for not even 5 seconds before handing Rebecca the glasses, "Mmm. Sure."

The girl takes them off the man and putting them on posing to her friend next to her, "Cute!" Beverly says taking them out of the other girl's hand.

"What do you think?" Beverly asks the man turning away from the dirty blonde. Mr Keene leans forward looking down on the taller girl, "Well how about that?" He says making Amelia gag 1000 times in her mouth.

"You look just like Lois Lane." Beverly smirks sweetly, "Really?" "Mhm"

He smiles at the freckled face girl before she 'accidentally' knocks down a display on the man's desk while handing back the glasses.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry." "It's okay." The man kneels down and starts to pick up the stuff on the floor.

Beverly stays watching him while Rebecca looks round at then boys as a question for them to leave.

Eddie gets pushed into a shelve making her smile.

✦ ✦ ✦

The two girls walk out the shop to see Bill obviously gawping at Beverly. He snaps out of it and pulls a dollar note out of his pocket, "Um thanks guys." He says not taking his eyes off the taller girl, "Even Steven." Beverly says pulling a pack of cards out her pocket, "Beverly! You did not-" She cuts Rebecca off by putting her finger on her lip and winking at Bill.

"Oh, God, he's bleeding. Oh my God!" "Ben from sosh?" Beverly says before following Rebecca over to join the rest of the boys.

"You have to suck the wound before you apply the Band-Aids. This is 101" "You don't know what you talking about."

"Hey guys!" Rebecca says, "Ben are you ok?" "Does he look like he is ok." "Be quiet Richie." Rebecca says glaring but smirking soon after at the boy.

"Are you okay?" Beverly says asking the same thing to the boy, "That looks like it hurts." "Oh. No I am good I just fell." "Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Rebecca looks at her feet awkwardly, she never believed the rumours but she has a tendency to be wrong.

"Shut it, R-richie." "Why its the truth?" the brunette says arguing back as per usual.

"You sure they got the right stuff to fix you up?" Beverly asks smiling and winking.

"You know, w-we'll take care of him. Uh thanks again Beverly...Rebbeca." "Sure. Maybe I'll see you around."

"Yeah, w-we were t-t-thinking about going to the q-qaurry tomorrow, if you wanna come." "Good to know. Thanks."

Beverly then walks off waving at the group.

"Nice going brining up Bowers in front of her." "Yeah dude you heard what she did." "What'd she do?" "More like who'd she do. From what I hear the list is longer than my wang." Richie says grabbing his balls.

"Thats not saying much." Stan says earning a high five from Amelia. "They're j-j-just rumors." "Bill! Do you like her?" Rebecca says sarcastically nudging Bill on the arm.

"Yeah! Bill had her back in first grade. They kissed in the school play. The reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion."

She giggles and smiles at Bill before looking at Ben who looked slightly down. The boy sitting down obviously liked the girl too and she didn't blame him. Have you seen the girl??

Quickly changing the subject though she says to Eddie, "Now, fix him up Dr K." Eddie smiles at her, knowing if it was Richie he would have snapped back.

Richie pushes him towards Ben earning a glare back, "Suck the wound, get in there." Richie says ignoring the glare, in an English voice.

"Can you stop with the accent. You're terrible. Let Eddie concentrate idiot." Rebecca says to Richie on Eddie's behalf, "Not my fault you like him!"

"Do not!"

"Do so"

"Do not"

"Do so"

"Guys I really need to focus right now." "Fine" The 2 say together sighing but smirking in the process.


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