the split of the losers

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Chapter Seven"It's not the clown splitting us apart, it's us

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Chapter Seven
"It's not the clown splitting us apart, it's us."

"You. You did this." The seven children were outside, Eddie by his mothers arm and the other standing next to eachother.
The crazy woman was pointing to the six of them appalled.

"You know how delicate he is." she adds storming through them all and carefully shoving Eddie into their car, "W-We were attacked, Mrs K." Bill says, trying to calm her down, "No. Don't try and blame anyone else."

She drops her keys, "Let me help." Beverly offers, "No get back!" the woman moves forward and gets up into her face, "Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

Rebecca was appalled, "M-mrs K you don't understand, look at me! We were attacked." she says to the woman, "No! You are all monsters. All of you. And Eddie is done with you. Do you hear? Done!"

The chubby woman walks around and gets into her car, Eddie was on the verge of tears inside. He looks up and looks at nobody but Rebecca but the minute she looks back he turns away.

They drive off and the group walk forward, Rebecca limping, a sad look on her face.

"I saw the well. We know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill says, turning around, "No!" Stan shouts, "No next time, Bill. You're insane."

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything." Beverly answers standing up for the other boy. Rebecca stays quiet and looks at her feet.

"Eddie and Rebecca were nearly killed! And look at this motherfucker. He's a leaking Hamburger Helper!" Richie shouts pointing at Ben. "We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben you said it yourself, It comes back every 27 years."

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here." "Same." Rebecca says speaking up, "It's too much for us to fucking go through. Look at us all! You are all crazy fucking freaks who have no idea how much danger we just put ourselves in."

Ben nods, "I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too." "Because I wanna run towards something. Not away." Beverly argues back to Ben, glaring.

"I'm sorry but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Bevery stuck up her middle finger, "Richie..." "I'm just saying let's face facts. Real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed too."

Bill goes up to Richie, mad, "Georgie's not dead." "You couldn't save him but you can still save yourself."

Bill moves even closer to Richie, pointing in his face, "N-no! Take it back! You're scared and we all are but take it back." He says pushing Richie, the other boy pushes Bill back and the start to fight eachother.

"Bill!" Beverly shouts, "You're just a bunch of losers!" Richie shouts getting hauled off the floor by Stan and Mike. "You're all just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourselves killed trying to catch a fucking stupid clown." Richie says backing away from Bill who was desperately trying to grap Richie but couldn't due to Ben holding him back.

"Stop!" Beverly shouts. Rebecca stays still, shocked. She was scared about what was happening to her and her friends.

"Fucking stop!!!" "Fucking clown!" Richie pushes off the 2 boys who were grabbing on to him and glares at Beverly, but surprisingly he doesnt go for his friend.

"This is what it wants." Bevery starts, "It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive." "Yeah! Well, I plan to keep it that way." Richie shouts back glaring at Bill, he bardges past, nudging Bill on the way.

Everyone starts to walk away, "Mike." "Guys. I can't do this. My grandad was right, I'm an outsider. Gotta stay that way."

Rebecca starts to walk towards her bike too, but before Bill or Beverly can say something she turns around and says, "It's not the clown splitting us apart, it's us." before turning away and going over to her bike, "Sorry guys." she whispers.

August, 1989

Rebecca was lying on her bed, writing in her diary. It had been months since she saw her friends and Eddie. She couldn't lie, she missed them but she wasn't going to get herself hurt. Not again.

Walking downstairs, Rebecca realised she was home alone, "Typical, favouriting my dear brother over me." she says reading the note that had the words, "Out for food and shopping with your brother. Be good. Study maybe?" she ripps it up rolling her eyes before hearing the phone ringing. She picks it up, it was Bill.

"Bill-" "Rebecca, its Beverly. It has her."

She turns around and goes to grab her bike but before she can do anything else she sees the stupid fucking clown and before she can run it grabs her face. Shit.

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