Welcome to Geekdom my dudes

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Alright, so not gonna lie I have no idea what I'll actually put on here, and how often I'll update but I figured "you know what? I'm an absolute geek no thanks to my nerd parents who cultured me a #littletoomuch and I have no idea what to do with half of my geeky little headcanons and scenarios I come up with for the million fandoms I'm in wether they be part of The #big3 like One piece, Bleach, and Naruto. Or like SuperWhoLock. Ooor the more criminally obscure stuff like Gakuen alice, Drawn to Life, Ghost Hunt, Eternal Sonata. OOR maybe the #waspopularonceuponadecade stuff like The labyrinth, and ok I'm getting off track, but you buy my dig, right?

Ok, good.

So yeah. I was like "maybe I could like slowly build up some oneshot books for each and every fandom." And then I just went "Heeeellll Naaaww, that's way too much work. Why don't I just make a whole garbage dumpster for everything?!" And then I laughed and shook hands with myself.

Henceforth was the creation of This!

Soooooooo yeaaahhhh, please enjoy.

~ Sincerely, Hio Yagari. (' ꒳' )

Hio Yagari's Random Fandom DumpWhere stories live. Discover now