When All Has Gone Wrong You'll Have My Hand pt.2

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A few minutes had passed since the incident, and Haytham was now sat at the furthermost left table of the tavern. You had offered to dry off his face, but he denied your request, saying it felt refreshing after having sailed so far in such dreadfully hot weather. Luckily your rag was clean though, so at least you didn't get dirty water all over his face.

At that thought the memory of his eyes burrowing deep into your own came back into focus. He had such a hauntingly beautiful gaze.

'Ok that's enough daydreaming, there's nothing wrong with admiring a bit of eye candy, but it's time to focus on more important things.' You thought.
Another one of the ladies working in the kitchen called your name, giving you two arms' worth of orders once you walked over to her. "These three trays here go to Melbrack's boys," she instructed, as she filled your left arm, moving over to your right afterwards. "And this goes to that strange gentleman over there who's been eyeing ya," she said with a subtle wink.

You merely rose a questioning brow back at her in response, turning around to continue your job as usual. "You must have gotten a rise out of him after slapping him with that wet rag," she whispered, playfully slapping your bum before you left. A few other ladies in the kitchen could be heard laughing after that, however muffled they were, while all you could do was let out a huff of frustration.

"Alright gentleman, here's your order, try not to pig it down so fast this time," you sighed, "I'd hate to have another one of ye choke up a bone right in me face," teasing one of the men, mocking his accent. He sheepishly smiled back, rubbing his head and quietly apologizing before you went of to the next table laughing. As you came close to the next table you were tempted to poison the man's drink and make quick and easy work of the Templar, but you knew that would just set off the rest of them once they'd notice his lack of return later on.

Upon getting closer you met the man's gaze, you couldn't tell what was going through his head, but you could tell it wasn't just affection, if there even was any real affection behind those eyes. He was a charmer for certain, but the stigma of the Templars was far too great for you to simply fall for that.

"Your meal, Mr. Haytham," you said curtly, feigning an innocent smile. Which unbeknownst to you, would be known as the "customer service smile" in a few decades or so.

"Ah thank you," he replied in a short manner as well. Pulling his plate closer to him he looked toward you while laying a napkin out over his lap. "That is quite some skill you perform your job with, I imagine you've worked here a long while."

"Maybe, maybe not, it depends on one's perspective," you said, trying to figure out what the man was trying to get at. He laughed softly in turn, setting up his silverware. "Well, I suppose I should leave you to your work then, and enjoy my meal."

"Thank you," you nodded before going back to work, feeling his gaze still burning deeply into you. Maybe he suspected you were the assassin he was looking for, if so that would make things more difficult. Thankfully however, you took precautions for something like this back when you were on the run. Many normally would've gotten sloppy about such details if they were in a deathly situation as your own was, but your mind was surprisingly clear in that time. Perhaps it was your late sister's passing gift of guidance to you. Either way, you couldn't shake the feeling that this man was going to be sticking around for longer than you'd hoped.


A few days had passed and surprisingly enough the Templar had left you alone for the most part and went about investigating the rest of the townspeople. The only time you'd have to deal with him was whenever he'd occasionally host some undercover meetings with his men at the tavern. You would constantly catch him eyeing you, wether it would be blatant or discreet, it would always bug you. However, today you hadn't the pleasure of dealing with him once, wether that was a good thing or not, you didn't know.

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