Thou hast not kept thine promise

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The great era of pirates had long since past it's glory days, but there were still a few to be seen and a few adventures to be had.

You were one of those few, and a well renowned one at that. Most just called you daft, but it mattered not. Quite frankly your will to live on was hanging by a thread. So you took whatever chance you could to stick your neck out on the line for a good adventure.

It was probably foolish of you to be acting this way in your mid 30s, but you had come to accept it, since you knew you were a fool.

From the moment you let Haytham Kenway into your heart you became a fool. The moment you left him to die you were a fool. When you came running back to save him you were an utter and irredeemable fool.

Since that wretched night you've gone off on suicide missions, only to hold onto your life last minute, telling yourself that only one thing, one man, could take your life.

Because you owed him that much, and you knew he was a man of his word, and that he would follow through on his claim to end you if he ever saw your face again.

Those chilling words echoed through your head every day, bringing both the painful reminder of your actions, and the promise that it would finally be brought to an end just as soon as fate reunited you both.


"Captain, where are we possibly going to find the map to that hidden entrance, it hasn't been spoken of let alone seen in decades," your first mate, Akwasi, asked.

"They say it was supposed to be one of the last adventures the Jackdaw would go on."

You squinted your eyes for a moment trying to focus in thought, then in a second something clicked in your mind.

The Jackdaw, who was on the Jackdaw... Adewale! And what is adewale? An assassin.

While you no longer wanted to get involved with the assassins and templars, you still had connections that you could take advantage of.
It just meant you'd have to don those dreaded robes once more.

But maybe that was a good thing, perhaps, even if it was one hell of a stretch, it could raise the potential of you drawing a certain someone's attention.

"Set sail for East, and set anchor on the nearest land you see. I'll be down in my cabin getting ready," you ordered in a rather unexplanitory manner.

However your crew was used to this, they knew you were a strange woman to start with, but they knew how to work with you well now.

So with that they did just as you said all while you went down to your cabin, already undoing your buttons. You walked over to your chest at the foot of your bed and bent down to unlock it. Being an assassin you didn't trust regular old key holes, so you made this chest to seal with a puzzle.

It had been a while since you last took a crack at it, but luckily your fingers still remembered the movement. With the last few clicks you heard the lid unseal and lifted it open with a loud wooden creak.

There you saw your hooded cloak folded nearly and atop it sat your sash bearing the Assassin's symbol along with your hidden blade.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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