part 41

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" Do you have your tooth brush ? " I ask as Nikki drags his case to the front door.

" yes " he sighs.

" Oh and what about some know what i'll go get it for you " I go to run up the stairs but he grabs my arm.

" You know I don't use moisturiser....I know exactly what you're doing you're stalling " he moves his head to the side.

" I'm not stalling...I just don't want you to forget anything " I shrug my shoulders playing it off. He opens the front door carrying his suitcase.

" Even if I did forget something you can just bring it to me when you visit " he closes the trunk turning around and pulling me closer by my waist.

" I'm gonna miss you " I say sadly.

" I know baby but this has to be done "

I pull in to the parking lot of the centre. We stayed mostly silent during the drive here, I guess no matter what we say to each other it won't make it any easier. We get out of the car, he looks nervous I think the realisation only hitting him now.

" So this is it huh " I say awkwardly.

" Yeah I guess no going back now....look I just want you to know that me being here...I don't want that effecting you,  go have some fun " I smile at him the sun beaming in his face making him squint a little.

" I'll be standing right here when you get out, in fact i'm not sure if I wanna leave this spot if it means staying closer to you " he laughs

" Come on don't be such a sap you're acting like i'm going to war " I let out a laugh even now he's still making light of the situation.

" Well here goes nothing " we stand in the spot just embracing each other. He gives me long sloppy kiss before pulling out and grabbing his case.

" I love you " he smiles as he begins to walk away. Tears falling from my eyes.

" I love you more Nikki Sixx " I yell and he waves me off before he disappears through the doors. I lean against my car as I wipe my tears. A mixture of sadness but also happy tears. I'm happy he's getting treatment, I mean it's for the better.

" So how are you feeling " Emi asks while a screaming Roxy claws at her.

" A little sad but i'll soon be over it " I take a sip of my coffee.

" Alright! alright ! " Emi slowly losing her patience with Roxy.

" Nap time for you missy , i'll just be 2 minutes " she walks off to put Roxy to bed. I just sit there staring into my coffee while I hear a faint conversation happening somewhere around the house.

" Okay thank you , see you tomorrow " I hear Mick say and the sound of a door shutting. He appears in the door way.

" Oh hi Sophia how are you doing " He walks over getting a glass of water.

" I'm fine Mick how are you "

" I'm good, just finish my first session " he nods.

" Oh that's great how was it "

" You know not as terrible as I thought it was gonna be, we spoke about things I haven't really told anyone before but I feel better about having said them out loud " he sips his water.

" That's so good to hear I still think you guys are amazing to help Nikki like that " I smile at the man before me.

" I'd do anything for those guys....but don't tell them I said that " he laughs

Nikki's pov

I can't look back at her I know it will only crush me. I speed walk until I reach the door. Pushing it open i'm met with what just looks like a waiting room in a doctors office. I walk up to the desk as a woman sits there typing on a keyboard.

" Um hello? " I say awkwardly. She looks at me over he glasses.

" Can I help you " you know just by looking at someone that they hate their job...well that was this lady.

" I'm Nikki i'm signing into a 30 day program with Dr Smith " It almost comes out like a question.

" two moments please i'll page him to come down you can take a seat " she doesn't even look up at me. I take a seat and pick up a magazine flicking through the pages.

" Mr Sixx " I look and see a dark haired man with glasses standing beside me.

" I'm Dr Smith " he puts his hand out for a handshake.

" Nice to meet you " is all I manage to say. He gestures for me to follow him as he paces down the long hallway.

" Now Mr Sixx i'll give you a quick run down of this place, you'll have your own room with a bathroom but you won't have any access to televisions or anything like that as this is meant to be a detox " I drag my case as I listen.

" All meals are scheduled so if you're not up on time for a meal you will have to go without, you need to start learning that you can't always get your way in this world " why do I feel like this dude hates me.

" Lights out at 10pm each night..... " Ugh

" You will be given a timetable with different activities so you will have some private sessions, some group sessions along with workshops and other activities " he stops in the middle of the hallway. He opens the door on his right.

" And remember this is for your own good and we're only here to help " I give him a fake smile. He starts to walk away but I call him back.

" Hey doc um when are visitations allowed "

" Well that does depend Mr Sixx on your co operation with us , like I said no special treatment here you're just like everyone else " with that he walks off.

I look around the room. Plain Cream coloured walls with a single bed in the corner. A chest of drawers and a desk. It looks like a prison cell. The " bathroom" is tiny. For one there's no bath only a shower you probably can't even bend down in , along with a sink and toilet that are so close together i'll have to rest my legs on the sink while i'm having a dump.

I sigh sitting down on the bed, I open up my case to unpack some of my belongings. I take out a photo of me and Soph Emi took on christmas. She's laughing while I rest my chin on top of her head. I smile at the picture. Its been 20 minutes and I already miss her like crazy. But come on Nikki use all of this to your advantage, you're getting better for her , you have all this free time to write new material, You can read up on parenting. I'm really hoping to learn some valuable lessons here.

This will all work I hope.

shot in the dark // nikki sixxWhere stories live. Discover now