Beauty Underneath

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Sorry for all the Christine lovers that are out there!


Christine stood there for a moment, looking around. Finally, she broke the deafening silence and asked, "Where is Lillian Thomas?" There were soft murmurs as the dancers began to talk amongst themselves.

"What are you doing here and why do you need her, Christine?" Meg asked, concerned. Erik's eyes narrowed as he saw his former love and clenched his hands into fists.

"I'm here because I need Lillian's help," Christine said. "I made a bad decision and I need her help."

Lily was poking her head out, since the noise had started to get even louder. Her silver eyes widened as she saw the curly-haired girl standing there.

Walking out, Lily asked, "Christine, what are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see a so-called 'witch like me' again." Christine gave a visible wince as she heard the biting sarcasm in the girl's tone.

"Lillian, I need your help. Anne was wrong and now I need you," Christine murmured.

"What, not even a sorry for me?" Lily asked, eyes narrowed. "I told you that Anne was lying, and you believed her instead of me. I don't care what you say, I'm not going to help you."

Meg quickly interfered and asked, "Lily, Christine, what on earth? How do you two know each other?" Erik carefully waited for their answers, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

The silver eyed girl responded, "Christine used to come to Madame Frasley's shop and I would design all of her dresses. I was supposed to make her wedding dress, but our competitor, a girl named Anne Blanchet, told her I was a witch because of my silver eyes." Lily paused to take a breath, then continued again.

"Christine believed the girl and decided that she didn't want me to work for her, and so started going to Anne's shop, but if I know anything, Anne has messed up the wedding dress and now you are coming to me as a last resort. Am I right, Christine?" Lily watched the other girl carefully for her response. Instead of speaking, Christine looked down guiltily and nodded.

Lily snorted softly. "What did Anne even do? Turn your dress a bright yellow? Also, isn't your wedding to the Vicomte tomorrow?"

"She accidentally ripped the skirt down the middle and she said she would have to start all over again, which would take at least two weeks," Christine mumbled. "And yes, my wedding is supposed to be tomorrow."

Erik rolled his eyes at the thought of the foppish man. He had believed Christine to be an angel, but looking at it now, Erik could tell that Christine was like all other girls. Aside from her voice, she was nothing special, only looking at the outside for beauty.

"As I said before, no matter what you say, I will not help you," Lily snapped. "Postpone the wedding if you must, and I'm sure your lover will understand. Now, go." She spun on her heels and stomped back to the costumes room, with Meg following and glaring at Christine. Erik could tell that the blonde had come to the same conclusion that he had about Christine and smirked slightly.

Erik looked back at Antoinette, who seemed to be warring over which of the girls she loved more. Eventually, the good lady came to a conclusion and said, "Miss Daae, you heard her. Please go, and if you must postpone the wedding, I am sure the Vicomte will not mind. Now, Sofia, please escort her out."

The young dancer led the brunette to the door, then watched to make sure that Christine actually left.

Madame Giry sighed, "I believe that we all ought to get today off for the rest of the day, girls. You are dismissed. Tell the same to all the seamstresses, that they get the rest of today off." Erik nodded silently, then decided to make his way down to Lily's room.

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