A tragic story

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    The two boys sat there playing Minecraft. George and Dream smiling endlessly at their computer screens. "I love you George" "I love you too dream"
"Should we tell the fans George" Dream asked. "No" George replied. "OH SO YOU'RE EMBARRASSED TO BE SEEN WITH ME I SEE HOW IT IS GEORGE, I BET YOU HAVE SOME SIDE HOE DON'T YOU, I CANT BELIEVE I THOUGHT YOU WOULD LIKE ME ARE YOU EVEN ACTUALLY GAY." Dream screamed at the boy."Dream you are so over dramatic this is never work I'm done here goodbye"
"No George I need you" Dream sobbed out. The green skinned boy cried as he realized his life was over.

Dream was found dead a day later- a suicide.
When George found out he could only blame himself but even then he couldn't stop that Jack Manifold grind so the boy never attended the funeral. The grind don't stop.

The End

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