Doing what was best

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      "It's a lovely night isn't it dream, the sky is very pretty." The brunette said to the boy next to him. " yeah but I'd rather look at you." Dream said with a smirk on his face. "Oh shut up Dream." George said rolling his eyes.

     " don't tell me to shut up George." Dream said anger taking over his sweet tone. " Look calm down you know I don't take compliments well, don't get mad at me you know I have trauma."

     Dream sighed. " I know George I'm sorry, I just can't control it you know I'm working on it." Dream said while pulling George into a hug. " It's ok Dream I love you. " " I love you too George, that's why I have to do this." George looked at the other boy in confusion what did he mean.

     Dream kissed George as passionately as ever pouring every ounce of love into it. "That's why I must do this."

Dream pushed George off of the railing they were sitting on, he watched as George fell to his death.

     " I could never be enough for you my love please forgive me, so I must let you go but I refuse to let you be with anyone else. This was the only way. See you in hell George I  hope you can forgive me my love."

That night George Davidson and Dreams group suicide was all over the news. Breaking hearts of millions.

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