Highschool sweehearts

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George was in band
Dream played football
George studied hard and cared about school
Dream worried about football and was constantly practicing
Both boys had different dreams but still tried equally as hard

George and Dream could be caught making eye contact multiple times of the day, something about each other captivated them.

George would stay after school to practice in the band room, Dream would stay after school for football practice, they often crossed paths.

One day George was rushing out of the school, he was ready to get home. Dream was right in his path  but George did not look up. They ran into each other knocking George to the ground, Dream thought this was his chance to finally talk to the strange boy with the beautiful eyes but it wasn't.

George hit his head, bled out
And died,
He was at peace with his trumpets in heaven.
He was happy
Dream was upset he blamed himself for years. Then finally the guilt got to him and he killed himself.
There in heaven Dream and George got to know each other finally and they could gaze into each other's eyes forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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