I love you too, little brother

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In the morning Tommy told Wilbur and Phil about his past like he promised to techno. Of course techno helped.

Time skip. The next day:

"Tommy, were going to the store to get some food. You want to come so you can choose something you like to eat?" Phil asked.

"Okay...is techie coming?" I asked

"Yes I am." Techno said walking in the living.

"Yay" i said, excited. Knowing I'm extra safe with him around.

Nobody's POV:

They arrived at the store and went in.

"Alright you and techno can go get some stuff you like Tommy. Me and Wilbur are gonna get the ingredients for what we're gonna eat today." Phil said

Techno and Tommy were walking around. Techno was looking at some chocolate he liked as Tommy went to the back. Still being close to techno. Little did he know his biological parents where in the store at the same moment.

The 2 spotted the blondie and walked to him.

"Well Well Well, if it isn't the useless child." His dad spoke up. Tommy froze and started shaking. He knew that voice. ''No no no no they can't be here. They're not here. I'm just hearing voices' he told himself before turning around. His eyes widened as he saw his biological parents standing infront of them. He started shaking even more. He didn't want to see them. Not now.

"Arent gonna say hi to your dad brat." The woman said. Raising her hand ready to slap him. She got stopped by techno standing there holding her arm.

"Who are you" techno said angry.

"I'm his mother." She smirked thinking he was a normal stranger who would protect a child for being slapped.

"And I'm his brother. So you're the bitches who hurted him." He scoffed. At the time Wilbur and Phil came. They came because they saw the anger in techno's eyes. Ready to kill some people.

"Hurted him? We just told him the truth." The man yelled. Causing Tommy to flinch.

"You want me to 'tell you the truth' and hurt you 3 times more then you ever hurted Tommy?" Techno said. His voice was full of anger. His eyes began to shine a little red.

"Techno that's enough." Phil said.

"No, no it's not. They're the pricks who Hurted Tommy." Techno yelled.

'Hurted Tommy? Are they his biological parents.' Phil asked himself and looked at Tommy who was shaking. 'They probably are.'

"As my man said. We didn't hurt him. Its normal for parents to punish their kids when they dont listen isn't it, anyway we want him back. He brought us money from the government." The woman said.

Wilbur had enough of it. He tackled the woman and began to punch him. Yelling "YOURE NEVER GETTING HIM BACK. HES HAPPY WITH US. HE NEVER FELT EVEN HAPPY WITH ANY OF YOU."

The man wanted to help his man but got cut of by techno holding the man by his throat. "Ah ah ah. She's getting what she deserved. And you're getting what you deserved." By that the police arrived. One of the people who was in the store called the police.

"LET THEM GO!" One of the police man said.

Tommy ran to the police

A woman kneeled down to the boy. "How come?" She asked.

"T-the man A-and the w-woman are my b-biological parents..." he said slightly crying.

Phil run to Tommy and hugged him.

"His biological parents abused him since he's 3. Then they had enough of him and dropped him of to an orphanage. He was full cuts, bruises and sigaret burns." Phil began as he tried to calm Tommy down. "I adopted Tommy from that orphanage. He had really bad trust issues and still has an eating disorder. They told him not to eat."

The woman's eyes widened in anger. She could tell he was right because her best friend was the owner of that orphanage. The woman who helped Tommy in there. She told her everything trying to find his parents and arrest them but she didn't know how they looked like.
The owner of the orphanage only told the boys name which was tommy.

"Get the man and woman" the woman said to her partner.


"GET THE MAN AND WOMAN" she yelled

The man knew she never yelled unless it was serious. He knew the two did something horrible.

"Hey, Tommy right..?" The police woman said calming herself down.

"Y-yes...? A-are y-you g-gonna A-arrest m-my b-brothers..." the woman smiled knowing he felt safer and happier around his new family.

"No no don't worry. You know, Stephanie is the woman in the orphanage you're from. She's a friend of mine. She told me to look for your parents to arrest them. She told me they abused you but ran away. I know your brothers were only protecting you. Don't worry" she said smiling warmly.

"T-thank you..." he said silently.

"YOURE GONNA PAY FOR THIS YOU LITTLE SHIT." the so called biological father screamed.

Techno and Wilbur were trying to calm down. They were both so angry. They couldn't call down until they felt a little boy hugging them. They looked down to see Tommy. They managed to calm down and hugged them back.

"Thank you f-for standing u-up for m-me" you said over and over again.

"Tommy. I did tell you I would protect you." Techno said warmly.

"Wilbur, techno. Guess what" Phil said smirking. Making Wilbur and techno a little scared.

"Tommy said 'brothers' while asking if she was gonna arrest you both." He said smirking.

You heard the two gasp and their eyes sparkle. It made Tommy giggle. The police woman looked back at the family and smiled 'I have to tell Stephanie Tommy is doing good and his parents are arrested. She'll be happy." She thought before turning away.

"You found something you liked?" Phil asked Tommy.

"Yes yes yes. I want the chocolate techno was looking at!" Tommy said excited. Techno laughed a little.

"Alright." Phil knew what chocolate techno was looking at cause he always picked that chocolate.

Tommy whispered to Wilbur and techno "I love you both" before running to Phil giggling.

You could hear them both gasp and ran behind Tommy. "HEY TOMMY SAY THAT AGAINN" Wilbur fake cried.

Techno grabbed Tommy's hand. Knowing he liked to be close to him. And whispered "I love you too, little brother" techno smiled. Tommy's eyes sparkled and smiled back.

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