A difficult AN

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Hello everyone, something happened today and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that if you feel as though you are in an unsafe situation that you do everything in your power to get away from it.

Earlier today I was going to grab some things and a man started following me, then a few streets down a car started trying pull up behind me. I managed to duck into a store and alert the police. However I don't think it's being taken very seriously.

I'm still very shaken up by this.

I have been groped before, and I have been verbally harassed so much. But today was the first time I had ever been followed and truly feared for my life. And I really hope that I don't end up getting raped.

So I just wanted to remind my veiwers that if a person is harassing you do not be nice, do not be polite. Stay in public and well lit areas if you are going out late. Cause a scene if you have to. Be aware of your surroundings.

This should be taught in school and I'm ashamed to admit it. But if you are raped. Go to the hospital immediately. Do not delay. I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't been paying attention. And I tried to tell my family about it but I was met with disbelief.

Please please please be careful. And I pray to whatever deity who will listen that things like this will stop happening.

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