Perfection interuppted

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     "Welcome to phase three of the hunter exams!" Statoz announced. "I wish you luck!" He said while turning around and heading back into the forest.

     I wonder what the next phase will be? I thought. It's gonna be kind of hard isn't it..." I thought as the big gate opened to reveal a woman in a bra and a man who was at least twice my size.


"Welcome all to the second phase of the hunter exams! I am menchi and this is my partner buhara. And we are gourmet hunters!"

The others started to laugh. I don't know what to think. Honestly this might be kinda hard, I haven't cooked in a while.

"Your dish will be pork!" Menchi yelled. The others laugh at her, but the only type of pig that can survive in a forest like this is carnivores. Yay...

I'm lucky to know this, the whole reasons I want to be hunter is to gain more knowledge on plant and animals in restricted areas. So I guess curiosity is a handy thing! Oh crap there already running to the forest!

Ok so the weak spot is on the forehead. I can do this. I totally got this. No problem. I thought as I ran through the woods. I heard some screams and snorts so I followed the noise to find gon's group running after a bunch of the pigs. It was a truly entertaining and chaotic mess.

Ok find a pig! I look around and spot a a pig just slightly smaller than the rest. I run up from behind and before it can buck me off I knee it in the forehead. In topples to the ground and I jump of and contemplate. How the heck am I gonna carry this thing!? Is sigh and try pulling it to no avail, I pout slightly until I hear a small chuckle behind me. I turn and see hisoka standing there holding a huge ass pig like it's nothing!

"Stop laughing!" I say, crossing my arms across my chest for good measure. He just laughs some more before walking away and leaving me with my own giant pig to deal with. I try pulling again until I come up with a brilliant idea. I'll just cut the pig up here, grab all the good cuts and then cook it.

"Sorry mister piggy." I said before cutting away.

A few minutes later and I have a good amount of meet. I also grab a few bones while I'm at it in case I decide to make a soup. On my way back to camp I came across a few mushrooms that weren't poisonous, some cabbage, and yams.

Damn this forest is fine!

I quickly make my way over to an empty station near the back. I look around and notice the others are simply roasting the the whole pig. Which is kinda gross. A few I notice are trying to put some seasoning on it but they're either putting on way to much or not enough.

I put the bones into a pot of water and allowed them to boil, with some garlic and ginger I found in my area.

While that was boiling I looked around and noticed hisoka was trying to cook his pork way to fast, it looked almost black. I want to help but I'm not sure he would let me. He looked in my direction and I looked away quickly. Next thing I know I feel a breath in my ear and I just know it's hisoka.

"Now why where you looking at me like that?" He whispered in my ear. "Like what?" I asked back.
"Like I was doing something wrong, what could I have ever done that could upset you so?~" he said, I could hear the pout in his voice.

"I'm not sure I should say." I replied while cutting up some mushrooms. I felt arms snake around my waist and a head landed on my shoulder. "Pretty please~" he asked again.

"Fine. Your cooking your pork wrong. Your flames are to hot, You need to peel the skin off because it's burnt. Then you need to fine something to compliment the pork, and finally your seasonings need to be balanced. You, silly clown man, have done non of these things."i said. By the time I finished my mini rant I had all of the veggies prepped and ready to go into the pot. I scooped the bones, fat, garlic, and ginger from the pot, and quickly added the veggies and meat to it and allowed them time to simmer.

I turned around to find hisoka gone and when I looked over at his station I noticed he had turned down the heat on his burner and was peeling the burnt skin off the pig. I looked away and my heart skipped a beat, he was doing what I told him to do.
For some reason it made me smile... stupid clown!!

I opened the lid on the pot and slowly poured the mixture into two bowls. The broth looked good, the meat looked tender, the yams and mushrooms where cooked well, and the shredded cabbage made a good noodle substitute!

I carefully walked up to the pair and handed them my dish. Buhara shouted a pass like always so now it was menchi's turn. I clasped my hand nervously infront of me and watched her.

"Good job on using stuff from the forest. However the yams made the broth too starchy and the broth didn't have enough seasoning! At least I can take a bite of this, but it's still not good enough!" She yelled at me. "Yes ma'am." I said back and walked to my cooking station.

Hisoka looked pissed and I felt like it was my fault. I scrunched into myself a little and tried to hide behind my hair. I got back to my station and just sat down, letting out a breath and closing my eyes.

Next thing I know I felt an arm around my shoulders. I looked up and saw hisoka sitting next to me with his eyes closed. "I thought you were mad at me." I said, I could feel the frown making its way into my face. "I'm not mad at you." He says, his eyes where still closed. "Who are you mad at?" I asked him.

He smiled and said "I'm just a little tense~ the instructor is planning to fail us all I can see it in her eyes. I knew the moment she failed you~" he said playing with the ends of my hair. "How?"

"Because your dish was perfect and she's a bitch for thinking otherwise." He said in a way that sent cold fear racing down my spine. And I realized why. He was sending out his bloodlust and I was sitting next to him... I couldn't breath. I'm scared!


Ahh the sweet look of fear on the faces of those around me, it's simply intoxicating! I could feel how everyone was on edge. Nervous to even move~!

I felt a shudder next to me and looked down at my little peppermint. I immediately pulled the energy back into myself and hageshi slumped to the ground gasping for air and trembling, I tried to put a hand on his back but he flinched away.

I don't know what this painful feeling is in my chest, but I hate it.

I go to stand up and leave him be when I felt him grab my wrist. I looked down and was surprised to see him looking up at me with tears in his eyes. Mint-Chan didn't want me to leave.

I felt my heart pound and I slowly sat back down, carefully keeping my face calm and natural. Once I was sat down fully he scooted closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was still crying slightly but I was mostly worried about his heart. It was beating so fast one would think he was about to have a heart attack!

"Breath with me little peppermint" I said taking slow deep breaths. He slowly started calming down and when his breathing returned to normal he sat up.

"I'm sorry I freaked out hisoka" mint-Chan said to me. For some reason my chest hurts and I don't know why?

"It wasn't your fault, next time I'll be more carful" I said, there will be a next time.

I pulled him closer and played with his hair as he leaned against my chest. It was perfect, quiet and peaceful. A cute boy was laying on my chest, everyone was scared of me. Just utter perfection!

That was until a loud voice interrupted it.

"We will be re-doing phase two, please follow me to the blimp!"

Apple of my eye~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora