I dont even know man

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Hageshi made it a fare ways into the island and decided it might be for the best to wait out and think of a plan for a few seconds. He climbed into a tree and calmed himself down in order to slow his heart rate and blend in with the energy of the forest. His target for this was the sniper lady. That means when she gets onto the island in a few minutes she'll probably make her way to high vantage point depending on who he target is.

He already knows that killua has one of the triplet brothers, gon got hisoka. 'Thanks so much universe, your a bitch.' He knew that leorio had that one snake charmer dude, and kurapika got tonpa. He wasnt too worried. Well besides the gon situation but that would be sorted out later. Her most difficult targets could be that one old guy, the other old guy, gitturaker, and that wierd ninja dude. Also a few other applicants that probably only made it this far out of sheer luck. If she gets one of the more difficult competitors then she likely is going to go to the base of the mountain first. That would give her the best chance for her range of weapon.

With that hage ran off to the mountain, and quickly reached out with his senses. There was the normal rustling of animals. But he was looking for something frequent and sudden. Like they havent been in a forest before. After a few hours of waiting he heard it, a set of light wieght feet hesitating through the brush. It was likely she would be right under him within seconds. He wouldnt go for the kill though. Not yet. Her gaurd was still too high. So he lay in wait and followed her to the top of the mountain. He kept his steps light and his breathing slow. Walking along behind her completely concealed.

But still hageshi didnt strike. He would need to make a plan. That was how he spent the first two days. He could tell that the woman was starting to loosen her gaurd. She was talking out loud more often then not, and she even let loose who her target was on more than one occassion. ''That fucking ticking bastard, hes so loud why cant I fucking find him.'' She would curse out loud. For a sniper this chick didnt have much patientce. Hage sighed, this was going to be a long seven days. He kept watching and stayed sane by thinking about how the others where doing.

On the fourth day things got interesting. She had finally gotten on gitterakers trail and tracked him all the way to a clearing in the meadow. The man sat down and stayed there for many hours. She didnt have a clear shot. but she might have been to scared to miss. Or move. The man did make it down trick tower at revolutionary speeds by himself. It was pretty damn imressive.

So she sat there and eventually the man walked away. hageshi stared down at her from his perch hidden in the trees. Then they both watched as hisoka sauntered through the meadow shortly after. The man was looking extremely blood thirsty. Hageshi felt his heart stop when the he spotted bright green moving through the trees a few minutes after. He wanted to follow but paused when he heard the woman start talking. ''Now isnt that something funny. The little green brat hunting the walking blood bath. eheheheh. Hes gonna die. What a waist, what a waist, he has such nice skin and attitude. gGood for training.'' the woman chuckled again. Something made hageshi's blood boil when she said that.

As much as he wanted too he couldn't follow them. But he felt confident enough in hisoka. He wouldn't kill Gon. Or any of hageshi's friends. He would just have to depend on that trust.

He waited for a little while longer. Hage didnt want to move suddenly. The night passed and he watched as the woman below him lost her touch on reality.

Something was extremely off about her and he couldnt tell what it was. He decided to make his move. When night fell she moved away from the small clearing and rested upon a log. Once she was fully asleep hageshi jumped from the tree and landed next to her silently. he stole he gun and clogged up the shaft with peaces of wood. then he fiddled with the amunition, it was placed in at an awkward angle. with that in place it would backfire onto her face. or at the very least not fire at all. while she's cofused with th-

''take the kids and p-ut emober there.'' that in itself wasnt sketchy but what she said next was something else.

"'little green boi, fer 600,milli-thousand. white hair sendy, ge em, ge em.'' she said. Hageshi could peace togeather what she was very easily then. this bitch was a child sex trafficker. Hageshi would be damned if he let her keep doing that. The young man grit his teeth and glared viciously. caution be damned, this woman will know pain now.

Hageshi stepped back and waited until she woke up. As soon as the womans back was turned he took the opportunity to land behind her on the ground. He used that momentum to spin around and use all of his force to hit the nerves at the base of her neck. she let out a small scream and quickly fell face first into the dirt. Hageshi stood over her for a second and smirked. ''Tell me, what got you into selling living, breathing children? hm? some sort of world class sob story I bet. Mama never loved you. Got into a bad place. Whatever not my concern, I dont really care.'' Hage taunted. he stepped over the struggleing woman and turned her over so she was facing him. He pulled his blade out of its sheath and carefully dragged it across her face. ''Now you get to tell me where exactly you sell all of those children. Ill know if you lie. I always do.'' hageshi stated. He didn't have it in him to be playfull at this moment. The woman looked up at him. ''Are you gonna kill me?'' She asked pathetically. Hageshi glared at her, then his face split into a humorless grin. ''Not yet dear. I still need you alive. So stay useful and I won't end you.'' he stated. The woman below him blubbered. hageshi rolled his eyes, he forced her head back and made one long insicion down her left temple. There where alot of nerves in the face afterall.

The bitch cried out and quicky complied. ''Ok! There are several auctions in yorknew, we do alot of trade offs in meteor city and most of the product goes to kakin empire. Please I love these kids! I never wanted to hurt them!'' She pleaded. Hage nodded slowly. Guess this was going to be his goal for becomeing a hunter.

He softened his voice slightly and looked into the womans eyes. ''You care about them?'' He asked her. The woman's eyes widened and she nodded. Her body was still incapacitated. Hage smiled down at her. ''I wont kill you.'' he said to her. He watched the hope fill her eyes.

Then he crushed it. Brutally.

He couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled out of him. ''I'm sorry dear, I lied just like you did. Your absolutley going to die today.'' He said as he smiled down at her, dragging the knife across her other temple as she screamed. ''Ya know, its always my first instinct to trust people, but what you said just now proved everything I needed to know.'' he explained, then he paused. ''If you where truly stuck in a bad situation, and didnt want to be doing this. Then you wouldnt have called those kids merchandise.'' hageshi stated. he watched the woman realize her mistake. ''no please, I can be good. I can tell you more!'' She pleaded. But hageshi heard enough. He held the knife up to her throat and slid it across, agonizingly slow. Terribly deep. He didnt want to splatter blood on his clothing afterall.

When the last little bit of light faded from her eyes hage sat back and sighed. He was unnaware of his audience until they cleared they're throat. Hisoka was looking at him from the edge of the trees staring at Hageshi with an extremely intense look he didnt understand. ''That was quite the show little mint. Very inspiring~.'' Hisoka stated. Hage stood up and stretched. ''Well she deserved it.'' He said bluntly. he was about to walk over to hisoka when he remembered the whole reason he followed her in the first place. he crouched down next to her corpse and grabbed the badge from inside her coat pocket. then made his way over to hisoka.

''How are you doing with your badges?'' Hage asked. ''Why would you like to know? trying to sneak intell to one of your little friends?'' Hisoka asked playfully. hageshi rolled his eyes at the clowns antics. ''More like friendly chit chat.'' hage said. hisoka smiled at him. ''I have collected a total of four badges, I only need two more. Your little friend did well.'' hisoka said. Hageshi froze and squeeled happily. hisoka gave hage a look.

hage caught on and smiled sheepishly. ''what? your really powerful and gon did a really good job! he was actually kind of excited to take you on like that. As much as he shouldn't I think he looks up to you.'' hage eplained. hisoka's usuall smirk softened slightly. hageshi smiled a little. ''It's up to you to live up to that. Got it?'' hage said. hisoka simply shrugged. Hage could tell he was thinking it over.

Apple of my eye~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora