Oh god!

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I stepped into the large room as the elevator behind me closed. The room had to have over a hundred people! It's a shame not all of them can become hunters, I thought. Oh well!

     I started heading to the wall farthest from all the others when a small green thing walked in front of me... what the heck is this dude! I thought as he handed me a badge. "You are participant number 108, please keep your badge on at all times." He said.

     "Sure, uh ok." I said back, taking the badge and pinning it to my shirt. Just as I was heading to the wall again another voice calls out to my right. "Hey there! How's it going!" I heard, several heads turned in that direction. I look over and sure enough a weird man comes running up to me. "Hey there, how ya doin' the names Tonpa!" He yelled. Oh man this guy was obnoxious. "Uh hey..." I said back. "You're a new face, and I should know I took the exam 34 Times!"

     Why are you bragging about that, I thought. " uh hi, yeah I am a new face I guess."I said, unsure of how to handle this guy. I was about to move away from him when he pulled out a juice. "How about a toast! To  commemorate our new found friendship!" He exclaimed. "Sure." I said... how the frick are we friends! We met like two minutes ago! I thought as I took the drink from him with a tense smile.

     "So what's the competition like?" I asked. "Well- ."  *ding* the elevator chimed, while he was distracted I quickly snuck of.

     Oh thank god! I got away from that weirdo neck beard... I guess now is as good a time as any to look over my gear.

     Let's see, my long mint green hair was tied up out of my face, only leaving my bangs out to shield my grey eyes, my black scarf was wrapped securely around my neck and my white tank top was resting just right on top of my pale skin. The shorts I had on rest just above my knee and the knee pads I had were secure. My shoelaces were tied up neatly and the knife I had strapped to my thigh was secure.

     "Aaahhhhhhhhhh!" I heard. Oh god I thought as I jerked my head in the direction of the scream only to see bloody red petals floating in the air. There was a man on the ground with...no arms...

     Oh god! I thought as I covered my mouth. "Next time do apologize when you run into someone~" the man said, he was dressed as a joker, but make no mistake this man is not to be taken lightly. I can feel the killer intent seeping off him like waves. I could barely breathe!

     I looked down as a petal fell onto my hand, it burst the second it made contact and all I could look at was drop of blood it had turned into. The petals were made of the mans blood! I have to breath. As I got my breathing under control I noticed that the man was nowhere to be seen. I looked around frantically.

   "Looking for someone~" I heard a voice from right behind me. My breath hitches and I freeze, I can feel his breath on my ear!

     Then I feel him grab my shoulder. He turned me around to face him and all I could think was oh god I'm next! He looked into my eyes brought my bloody petal hand to his lips. Slowly his tongue slid across the top of my hand and as he licked the blood away.

     "And what would your name be young man?~" he whispered to me. My knees went weak and I could barely form a thought yet somehow I managed to say "h-hageshi..." I whimpered out.

     "Ahhhhh I see how lovely to meet you young Hageshi hnhnhn~" He said. Just then then a wall opened up and a strange man with purple hair came out. When I turned back around the man was gone...

     I need to get it together! I thought as the man introduced himself. "I am statoz, welcome to to the first phase of the hunter exam!"

"Follow me to the next stage of the hunter exam." He said. I couldn't really hear much after thaaa-and now we're running. Ok not to bad, I can run for hours! I thought when suddenly this kid wizzes past me on his skateboard. Clever kid.

     I turn my head to the front and just focus on running when all of a sudden this gross pudgy kid runs past me with a laptop and bumps into me causing me to stumble a bit, I fell in my knee(glad I had knee pads) but sadly I forgot my gloves... oh well. I thought as I got up and kept running. Can't let a few scratches stop me! I thought.


     We've been running for a few hours now, that wierdo kid dropped out long ago. And I'm doing ok. Even though my wrist kind of stings... oh well!

     I keep getting this chill down my spine... it feels like I'm being watched. I keep looking behind me and no one is there, oh we-"aah!" Stupid clown was right next to me. Glaring at my hand... oh god please don't cut off my arms!! I thought. "Who hurt you my little fruit~" he said looking straight into my eyes. "N-no one I just fell..." I said trying my best to avoid eye contact. "I don't like repeating, who hurt you~" he growled.

     "No one! I just fell" I answered. I couldn't tell him the kid ran into me, much as I didn't like him he was still a kid. "Fine, since you insist your so clumsy I'm going to have to really keep my eye on you aren't I~"he said. "Uh, oh look it's the end of the tunnel!" I said running ahead trying to get away.

     Finally I reached the end and right as I was about breath a sigh of relief until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even have to look to know who it was, and at that point all I wanted to do was take a breather. So that's what I did. Slowly I slumped against the body next to me. I could feel him tense up, but then strangely relax.

     He looked down at me with a questioning brow.
"If you insist on staying with me the entire time, then get used to it." I said. Instead of answering he just wrapped his arm a little tighter and looked away with a smirk as I dozed of.


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