Little mint~

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Warning this chapter contains smut.

Hageshi's POV

it was almost noon when the blimp finally landed. And wouldn't ya know! It dropped us off right at the next phase! The objective of this one was to get all the way down the tower before a certain time. Easier said then done.

I noticed a man boasting to Gon's group about being a master rock climber. He was making such a ruckus I had to go see if he lived up to the hype. I made my way over there and gazed down to see that the man had already made it a few meters down. I was almost impressed. The rope guy had made it about a fourth way down the tower... then was quickly snatched by a giant bird.

Yeahhhhh, I'm not gonna stay anywhere near that ledge. I turned to look at the small group of friends. They've already gotten so close... it nice to see, ya know?

Then I felt the familiar hands around my waist. Hisoka pulled me to a specific place on the roof. I happened to look over at the small group of friends once more and saw them fall through a trap door. With tonpa, oof. What was I forgetting? Oh yeah! Crazy clown maybe boyfriend idk was pulling me through the roof. Next thing I knew I was falling. The ceiling tile closed above us like a trap door and the world dimmed. when I got over the shock of falling I realized the position we fell into.

My arms where around hisoka's shoulders and my face was pressed against his neck. I was straddling his hips and I can feel his one of his muscled thighs grinding into my crotch. Dear lord why are all the crazy motherfuckers hot!?

"My, my little peppermint. What a compromising position.~" hisoka said. I could feel his hot breath in my ear. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his hand wander down to my ass. My face felt hot.

"Your blushing.~" he whispered again, his teeth grazed my ear lobe and felt myself gasp. My legs are shaking! I felt hisoka's hand trail up under my shirt.

"All occupants! Please pay attention!"

3rd person

Hage jumped up and away from hisoka as fast as lightning. His grey eyes where wide and his cheeks where redder than a strawberry. His tank top strap had fallen off his shoulder and his black scarf was undone, hanging limply around his neck. Hisoka was smirking, but looked otherwise unbothered.

"This phase was meant for one person, however that did not happen. Therefore I've added another rule. For the first hour of walking one of you must be carried!" The announcer said.

Hisoka glanced at hage with a smirk gracing his features. Hage knew what the clown was planning and shivered at the thought. "You may begin now!"

In the blink of an eye hisoka pulled Hageshi into his arms. And once again Hageshi found the attractive clown between his thighs.

He tensed, his arms where wrapped tight around hisoka's shoulders. The clowns crotch was rubbing against his ass. "Let's get started little one.~" hisoka whispered, Hageshi trembled again. The man stared walking slowly down the hallway.

Hisoka had a devious smile on his face. And Hageshi could feel him slowly pressing his lips against the shell of his ear,  nibbling softly. "H-hisoka, stop!" Hageshi exclaimed, his face was getting flush again. His breath was getting heavy. "Stop doing what?" Hisoka asked, Faking innocence.

Hageshi whimpered at the sensation. Hisoka's smirk grew.

"W-what are you doing?!" He asked. "Just helping you relax~" hisoka whispered.

His hot breath was sending shockwaves through hageshi's stomach. his hands where massaging the young mans ass thoroughly. Hage couldn't stop the whimper that escaped him when the clown started sucking on his neck. "Awe is my little kitten getting riled up~" he said, biting down harshly on hageshis neck.

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