Stupid clown!

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       I woke up leaned against a tree, Hisoka was next to me making a card tower and only half the applicants had made it through the tunnel. The area around us was foggy and dense with vegetation.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you." I said while turning to Hisoka, being careful of his tower. "Hmm no need to apologize." He said back, bot even looking at me.

Slowly I stood up and walked away. Ok I have to think.. the amount of people seem to have been reduced but it looks like quite a few still made it.

Right as I was about to turn my head toward the examiner the cave behind us had shut with a hard slam. Cutting off the guy who almost made it out. I kind feel sorry for him...kind of. I thought as I turned my face to the front.

The examiner had turned to everyone and started talking. "This is swindlers swamp, a place that is known for its deadly deceptions. Everything here wants to eat you, and will do anything to make sure it does." He said.

     "Don't listen to him, I'm the real examiner!" A man yelled out as he came around the corner. "That's a man faced ape! One of the many creatures in the swamp that want nothing more than to eat your flesh!" He exclaimed.

The contestants went silent and a tense atmosphere filled the air. The thing he's holding looks an awful lot like statoz...I thought. But then again this is swindlers swamp... I am still trying to figure things out when suddenly I feel an object fly behind me.

Surprised I turned and saw none other then that stupid clown! I was still trying to process what happened when he walked up to me... "you look nice with your hair down."He said, no smirk, no tease.

Woah.... wait did he mention hair? I look over and sure enough my hair tie was on the ground by my feet.

"Hmmm~"he said. I hadn't even noticed the examiner was talking! This clown has got me all kinds of distracted! God people are staring! I thought as I looked around. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as he slowly brushed the hair out of my face. Dear lord save me. I thought as I stared dumbly at the man in front of me. "Hmmm why your face is turning red, are you alright? Must I carry you?~" he said with that stupid teasing tone of his.

" uhhh n-no that won't be necessary!" I said, trying desperately to find a way out of this strange situation. Noticing the green haired kid from earlier, I booked it. Stopping just in time to not trample the poor kid.

I looked back and noticed hisoka staring at me like I had just walked away with his only scrap of food for the next freaking year. His gaze sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine. It felt predatory, like he was hungry for something but I couldn't tell what...

"Hey are you even listening?" The kid with the white hair said. "Huh? Oh no sorry, could you repeat that?" I said with a bashful laugh. "Ugh, I said you have to watch your back out here, the next part will start any moment, you especially. Seriously not even to the second phase and you catch the attention of the most dangerous guy here!" He yelled. I winced at the volume of his voice.

     "It's fine he probably doesn't want to much to do with me anyway!" I replied, another chill went down my spine. I didn't even have to look and I knew he was staring at me.

     "Yeah sure." Killua replied bluntly. Groaning slightly, I turned around and noticed everyone starting to move. Great more running!

     I have to stay near statoz! I thought as we headed of, I also have to get clown guy of my rear. This is turning out to be quite the day. Running through the swamp wasnt an easy task. The damp ground was slick and made it hard to run, and the constant having to be aware of your surroundings was a hard task. It was even harder to hear the screams of the others who were not as fortunate.

     Every instinct in my body was telling me to help them but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I was so deep in my own thoughts I didn't realize the area around me had started to change. The fog was thicker and I couldn't see past my own hand. I was completely lost until I heard some men yelling.

     I cautiously followed the sounds til I reached the edge of a clearing. When I arrived I was met with the sight of hisoka surrounded buy a bunch of men. They looked like they were about to kill him but right as they started to charge, a flash of red was seen and they were all on the floor. The ring leader was still alive!

     I tried to call out to hisoka but my body was frozen, I could only watch as a card made its way into the mans skull. This can't be happening! He just killed at least a dozen men in less then a second! Oh god, oh god, oh god! I need to run! Move please just move!

     I heard whispers next to me and noticed kurapika and leoreo were there to, how had I not noticed. I thought as I saw them run in different directions. Smart move,but now I'm the one closest to him! I thought.

     I was about to book it to when I noticed leoreo had come back. With a stick as his weapon... yep he's gonna die.

     He ran right up to hisoka, stick ready to swing, when hisoka whipped around and landed a hard punch to his face. Leoreo was out within seconds, please don't be dead! I thought as I stood there still as a statue.

     Several tense moments pass till gin erupts from the forest around us swinging his fishing pole around. He gets a good hit but it wouldn't be enough. Next thing I know, he has gin by the neck.

     The poor kid was turning blue, and right when he was on the edge of passing out is when I finally unfroze and managed to yell "stop!"

     Hisoka whips around and lets go of gin the second he sees me. He looks surprised, all his focus was on me and all I could do was stand there. Slowly he walks towards me and stops about a foot away. He just stands and stares. Suddenly he has a hold of my wrist. He holds it firm but not bruising.

     "Are you scared of me?" He whispers. He looked serious when he asked. "I don't know" was all I could manage to say. And it was true, one second he seems to be an ok guy and the next he kills someone.

     Slowly he pulled my wrist to his lips and kisses my knuckles. Slowly my eyelids were starting to droop, I was so tired. I thought as I collapsed into his arms. Jerk drugged me... was my final thought until I finally gave in to unconsciousness.

     I woke up propped up against something warm. It was nice like laying on a warm, firm pillow that pulsed, it was even better with the arms wrapped around you... arms?!

You opened your eyes and noticed you were wrapped up in a certain clown. Looking up you saw his smirking face as felt torn between punching him, kissing him, or getting the heck away from him.

     Instead you said " you drugged me." Like the intelligent person you are. "Yes, I did~" he hummed back keeping a tight arm around my waist. "Why?" I asked. " you were scared, besides I needed you to relax so I could carry you." He said absently while fiddling with the ends of my hair.

     Slowly I relaxed back into his chest and just let him hold me. At first he tensed up but then slowly relaxed. It was like he was expecting me to fight to get out of his hold. Which honestly I should be doing but ya know, I haven't had a hug like this since my grandma died and it felt kind of nice. Not only that but he was kind of hot, batshit crazy, but hot.

     "Welcome to the second phase of the hunter exams!" Statoz exclaimed. I took that as my que to get up but as I did I could have sworn I felt him hug me just a little tighter before letting me go and getting up himself.

     Oh hisoka what have you done to me. You have scared me, made me blush, and made me happy all in the same day, and I don't even know your last name.

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