Half a Man?

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"LORI!" Mark raised his voice. This situation was backwards. Normally it was the man who was the one breaking things off and the woman begging. He hated this weak feeling, but dammit he was human. He loved her. 4 years of his life were now gone. They had planned a life. They had discussed moving to New York for Lori to become a partner in a large firm once the wedding was over. Mark had even looked into the NYPD. Kids...Mark wanted a big family like he had. Lori had been an only child, and while she didn't seem the mothering sort, she had been open to having a child. Everything they had planned. Poof. Gone. Just like that.

"You were a good match. But things have changed. I am truly sorry it had to come to this. I will be leaving." She turned to leave. "You may keep the condo, I won't be needing it after I go to New York. I will have my things out before your discharge." she tossed over her shoulder as if she was being a very generous person. "I wish you the best in life, Mark."

"LORRIII!!!" Mark yelled, trying to stand and immediately regretting the forgetful choice as he met the floor. Every alarm in his room sounded off and several nurses came running in. Where had they been when the machines first started going off as his heart rate increased? Scrambling around they hoisted him back up onto the bed, questioning him with several things at one time, mostly asking if he was ok. His mind was blank as he watched Lori walking away without a second glance. The nurses looked as well, one picking up the ring and handing it to him, saying nothing. They had heard everything. That explained why they didn't go in. Concern and apologetic looks showed on each of them.

The nurses began to redress Mark's bloody bandages, a senior nurse giving him the business about overdoing it and causing his wound to get worse if he wasn't more careful. Mark only heard parts of her nagging. He didn't even feel the throbbing pain in his leg. He was numb. It didn't take them long to finish, leaving him alone in his room and his head.

How could she have done something like this? Half a man? How did this make him any less of one? Plenty of people lived normal lives with missing limbs. Hell some even went on to be track racers or body builders; healthy, exciting people. But what were things going to be like? He would go home to an empty house...full of memories of her. Everyone he knew would look at him with pity. That is the last thing he wanted.

Mark's dark thoughts were interrupted by a gasp and cry. Turning his head, the blur of his mother came into view and snatched him into her tiny frame before he knew what had happened. "MY BABY!" She shrieked, sobbing uncontrollably. His dad entered shortly after talking to one of the nurses about his condition.

Yup...this was not what he wanted either.

The next was 20 minutes almost as bad as getting shot...having to explain everything that had transpired to his parents.

"That bitch!" Diane shot like an arrow after hearing what had happened. "How could she just up and leave you!" She wanted to leave this hospital and track down Lori and show her a thing or two. She had never liked the woman from the start. Something about her just rubbed her the wrong way. Honestly, she was a little happy that she was gone. Just not at the way she had done it.

"Calm down." Mark's father, Ray, shook his head, arms folded over his meaty chest. But there was no stopping his wife once she got started. The woman was 5'1 and Hell on wheels. A total mama bear when it came to her cubs.

Typically, Mark would have been thrilled to see them. He and his parents were very close. As well as his 2 older brothers and younger sister. Right now he wanted nothing more than to be alone. That wasn't happening any time soon. Mark looked outside the door at his younger sister, Maria, trembling scared like a lost puppy.

"Minnie..." Because she was obsessed with Disney from the time she was a baby and Minnie Mouse had been her favorite, Mark always called her Minnie. His eyes softened when he saw her teary eyes. She was the tender age of 8. Having a large gap between their ages didn't stop them from being close. He and his older brothers, Philip and Evan ,were very protective of her. "Hey hey...don't cry. Big bro is okay." Mark tried to give her a goofy smile.

"Did you die?!" She ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Nah, kiddo. I'm too strong for that." Mark ruffled her chocolate curls and pulled her into a tight hug, ignoring the shooting pain in his arm as he did so. Stay strong for Minnie. She was the one person he could never show weakness around. Not his baby sister. He was her hero. Holding her tight in his arms as she sobbed away, Mark glanced up at his parents who remained silent.

"Where's Aunt Lori?" She sniffled as she pulled away, strands of her curls sticking to her cheeks, snot running down her nose.

Things just wouldn't stop. Mark signed and looked up, gritting his teeth. "Maria."

Maria blinked, Mark only used her given name when he was being very serious.

"Lori and I broke up. She wanted to move to New York for a very important job." Mark hated to lie to her, but she was so young. "I couldn't just leave my baby sister behind, now could I?" he smiled softly and kissed her forehead.

Maria stared at him for a moment "But...I was gonna be a flower girl."

So simple.

Mark shook his head, "I know, Minnie. You will one day, I promise." More lies...at least, that's what it felt like. Who would want him now? Lori had left so easily.

Maria shot a look over to their parents "He should marry that pretty lady we saw on the way in here!" She shifted back to look at Mark, her blue eyes bright and excited again. "She was so pretty! She had on those blue nurse clothes, and, and looong pretty blonde hair, like Aunt Rachel! And she had a bigggggg smile!" Maria made the biggest smile she could mimic. "Not like Lori! She never smiled!"

Mark gave a shaky laugh, "Minnie, it's going to be a long time before your big brother finds another girl...I have to get used to having 1 leg." he admitted.

Maria glanced down, she knew what had happened. Even being a kid she knew deep down that it would be hard on her older brother.

Diane gently removed her daughter from the bed, to keep her from hurting Mark further. "Evan and Phil are going to be helping you once you get out of the hospital."

Mark glanced away, "I don't think that will be anytime soon. The doctor said I need physical therapy as well as occupational therapy...I might have to go to a rehab." The thought of having to stay in a hospital setting any longer pissed him off further. Mark gave his parents a look when he noticed his sister wasn't paying attention. He wanted them to go.

Ray rubbed his neck. "You sure you will be okay?" he asked.

Mark just nodded, "I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling well. I know you came all the way here..."

Diane kissed his forehead and they said their goodbyes, once again leaving Mark to himself. Which was just what he wanted. To replay things over and over again until he felt himself sinking further into a pit of despair.

Late into the night, Mark groaned and shifted violently in his bed. Pain pulsated through his body and he woke up drenched in sweat. Shivering enough to make his teeth chatter, Mark wasn't sure if he was hot or freezing. His heart monitor was going violent. A bellow echoed through the room as it felt like a hot blade was being dug into Mark's leg, causing a swarm of nurses to sprint into his room shouting at each other and holding him down as he began to thrash. Mark had spiked a fever and started to seize. 

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