Chapter 10 The Nun

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Days had passed since Rias and I had that 'talk'. So far I have been getting closer with everyone. Koneko has come around and can actually relax near me (not accounting all the chocolaty bribes I've given). Kiba has relaxed and is no longer as 'defensive' as he was. Akeno has been.... "Insatiable?", uhh ya, that. Even Rias has been getting closer.

Despite my reservations on that.

No matter how hard I try, I keep catching myself looking at her, admiring her.

"Ugh, what is wrong with me?!" I asked myself.

"I may have an answer to that." Vierra interjected. "And that is?" I muttered in annoyance. "Your Draconian nature." Vierra stated much to my confusion. "Draconian nature?" I repeated. "Yes. Dragons themselves are an extremely territorial bunch. From den's, to possessions... to mates." She explained.

At that last part I actually froze mid step.

"Something wrong?" Issei asked from beside me. "N-no. Nothing. Thought I heard something is all." I lied.

Shrugging at my answer we continued our path.

Ya, I was bored and decided to follow around Issei after he invited me to hang. But back to the subject at hand.

"I'm sorry Vierra, could you repeat that last part." I asked after collecting myself. "You heard me clearly." She deadpanned. "Dragons are extremely protective of those close to them, even more so to those they are attracted to." She explained. "Are you trying to tell me I have feelings for Rias?"

"No. But I can tell you how much you watch her subconsciously. I can tell how you feel when she is distracted and looking forlorn. I can..." "Enough! I get it." I shout cutting her off. Shaking my head I tried to make sense of this. "You aren't getting any sense because you are thinking like a human!" Vierra yelled. "By human standards of course this won't make sense. But as a Dragon, or even a Devil? Polygamy and Harems are almost common place." She explained further.

"But I don't want a harem." I stated.

"It does not matter what YOU want, but rather, what your HEART wants. That and it's almost required for you to do so." She countered, muttering that last part.

About to ask her what that ment I was caught off guard by a white fabric hitting my face.

Removing the thing from my face I saw it was a white veil with blue highlights. Looking forward to see where it came from I immediately averted my eyes at the sight. In front of us was a small blond nun. Who, if I were to hazard a guess tripped, and is now giving the two of us a major up-skirt view. Noticing Issei was still frozen on the spot staring I smacked him up the head.

From the look of it he gave himself a mental slap and rushed over to help the girl.

Smirking and shaking my head, I made my way over to the pair.

"Ohhh..... why am I so clumsy." She muttered aloud. Straightening herself (and her dress) she looked up to see Issei and I. "Need a hand?" Issei asked as he began picking up her spilt luggage. "Oh yes, please thank you." She said cheerfully.

In a matter of moments we had her possessions all handed over.

Save for a pair of panties Issei didn't realize he was holding.

After the two of them realized what it was the girl quickly swiped them and tucked them into her suitcase. The both of them furiously blushing.

Laughing at the pair they snapped out of it and stood up.

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