Chapter 23 A Reprieve

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'Why do I feel like I've been run over by a freight train.....' I groaned in my head.

Trying to force open my eyes I realized the lack of feeling in my... everything. Forcibly flexing my limbs I immediately regretted doing as all my nerves sparked at once.

And boy did it fucking hurt!

Silently cringing in pain I began trying to make out where I was. I could barely move my fingers let alone open my eyes so I began trying to sense my surroundings. My sensing however was interrupted by a new feeling.


'Why? Why am I so hungry?' I thought as I felt my skin crawl looking for something edible. Surprisingly though as the crawling feeling continued it almost receded on my left and right side. Calming myself, the feeling of my body started coming back to me and with it I felt two weights on my left and right shoulder pinning me to the bed I was on.

Wait... bed?

Forcing whatever strength I had into my eyes I forced them open only to shut them as the slightest light hit them. Blinking several times to try and adjust I tried lifting my arms to wipe my eyes and clean them.

But my arm were also pinned.

Cracking an eye open I was met with a head of red on my left side and a head of black on my right. Recognizing them almost immediately I let out a sigh of relief as it was only Akeno and Rias using me as a pillow.

Wait... Akeno... and Rias?

Finally adjusting, my sight returned fully I started looking around the room. One, we looked to be back at the Gremory mansion, and two, Rias and Akeno both had casts on, as well as several small healing cuts and bruises that I could see. Shaking my head in disbelief my eyes were not tricking me. Rias had her arm resting on my chest in a full cast wrist to shoulder and some kind of cast or wrappings on her leg. While Akeno had her arm also in a cast and resting on my chest.

'What the fuck happened?' I though. My thinking was interrupted yet again as I saw the mutation crawl over my skin, reminding me about my hunger.

Weighing my options I knew I had to get something to feed on before I lose control. Focusing I tried manifesting the void to snake out of the bed. But I couldn't. Trying again I struggled to do the simplest act of blinking away and leaving a fake me behind. Closing my eyes and taking a breath I focus everything I had into the blink, only after several seconds I finally pulled it off and blinked myself standing at the foot of the bed.

Looking back I saw a shadow clone of myself remain as a pillow for the girls.

Smirking I tried stepping forward only to remember one small detail.

The lack of bodily functions I had.

Face planting into the floor with an audible thud I silently groaned in pain as I started to move my arms. Everything burned as I tried to move, it was like my whole body wasn't my own. Grunting in determination I began slowly army crawling my way to the door, attempting to pick myself up the whole way. Reaching the door I used it as leverage to bring myself to my knees. Looking over my shoulder I saw both girls hadn't even budged from the noise I was making.

Smirking to myself I opened the door as silently as possible before crawling my way out.

Shutting the door behind me I now found myself in a long hallway. Letting my senses go rampant I zeroed in on a familiar scent... meat. Crawling along and using the wall for support I slowly began trudging my way towards the source of that glorious smell.

It was an indescribable feeling. Having your whole body unresponsive to the most basic commands and needing to almost puppeteer myself. Making my way through the hall I paused as a chill ran down my spine. Looking around I saw that I was alone and no other presences were near. Blinking in realization I looked down and saw the real reason I was feeling a chill.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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