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I was in 6th grade when everything went back to normal. It was during this year when I was able to get by with no issue at all!

I was able to live my last remaining year in elementary with a blast! I got to hang out with my classmates and make friends with them. I remember it vividly when it was graduation day. One of my classmates that I considered my friend visited my house because she wanted both of us to go to the venue. It was sweet when she waited for me to finish just so we could go together.

I am the 1st honorable mention in my batch which I am very proud of. However, even before the proper graduation started, I sprained my ankle. I was not able to properly walk for 2 weeks because I am badly hurt. I may hide it well because the way I walk was pretty much normal; however, it hurt so much that I wanted to cry especially when it was time to go on the stage - I was in so much pain from walking up the stairs.

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