Where it begins

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-Daisy's POV-
"Class pack up, we are having an assembly!" Ms.Hallow said very happily. But I couldn't care less about about this assembly, I mean they didn't even give us information.

I quickly gathered my books and put them in my book bag. We made our way through the halls and to the gymnasium.

I took a seat next to my two best friends, Emma and Lindsey. Mr. Becker, the principal was explaining how our teachers would start using social media to teach and stuff. All i heard was blah blah blah blah.

Then just 4 words quickly made me focus. " Please welcome Justice Carradine." Those 4 words must have been a joke. Justice leaves in Utah and I didn't see him tweet about coming to California (i dont know where daisy trinidad lives)

Before my eyes could adjust I saw him just standing there. Like omg is this actually happening right now. My mouth was hanging wide open. Then 4 more words ended my daze. " Go back to class." like no I am looking at my idol and I don't even get to say hi.

I just obeyed my teacher without putting up a fight. I may never see him again.

I walked in to class and sat at my desk with my head down. I felt so miserable just Letting Justice slip out of my hands. Ughh Fml right now! "So class, this is Justice Carradine and he will be joining our grade and this class room." my head shot up as Ms.Hallow made my year with just simple words.

There he was standing right in front of class and with a beautiful smile on."Daisy raise your hand, Justice will be sitting with you and will be attending each class you go to." OMG! I didn't hesitate to raise my hand.

I tried playing it off by putting a straight face on but it was to hard to.
Justice sat down and I could feel my lips curve upward into a smile. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I began blushing.

This is going to be the best year of my life. Lets hope so anyways.
I thought this was a pretty good chapter so far I think I like it. I hope you do. I dont really know much about Daisy so sorry,

I believe in you( Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now