Why me?

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Why? Why, why, why? Why did Sam kiss me I wondered as I walked back to the couch, with a bowl of popcorn.

I felt extremely guilty sitting next to Justices'. He held my hand and began playing with my fingers.

I frowned and I guess he saw because he squeezed my hand and not to mention kissed my check.


After the movie I drove Justice home and I drove myself home.

Tomorrow is a free day so maybe I should talk to Sam and tell him I like Justice.

(Next Day)

I pick up my phone to call Sam.

Phone Convo:
Samuel- Hey
me-Hey. Umm, I need you to come over.
Samuel- sure thing Ill be there in 5 minutes.

End Of Convo

Wow it seems like he was expecting that call.

I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs to open the door to see a red cheeked sam.

He took a seat.

"So sam, I need to tell you this. I dont have feelings toward you , I like Justice." I spilled.

"He cant make you feel good the way I do" he said as he got closer.

He pinned me up to the wall and began taking off my clothes as I screaming in Horror.

He started to touch me and looked at me with a douchey smirk.

"Sam! No stop! Please Sam!" I yelled

I decided to man the fuck up and I kicked him in his balls. He fell to the floor.

I held both of his hands together and dragged him out my house. I threw his shirt at him.

" Your a little Fuck boy!" I screamed at him.

I slammed my door shut and locked it as fast as I could.

I slid down the door as I began to cry. I would have lost my virginity and would have been rapped.

I picked up my clothes and put them back on. I went to my bathroom and looked everywhere for something.

Something that can relieve the pain. I came across my blade that I haven't used in 5 years.

"1 for sams kiss!"
"2 for me kissing him back."
"5 for almost being raped!"

I feel to the floor as the blood was dripping down my arm.

I heard my phone ding right before my eyes shut and everything turned black.

Hope you like this chapter it was .... Different.

Who texted her?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!


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