The hair

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After walking 5 minutes from school we finally made it to Justice's house.

It was actually really big. He grabbed his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

We walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Hey, can you help me with something?" Justice asked sweetly looking at me.

Not saying anything, I just nodded.

He held my hand in his and pulled me up the stairs.

We were now in his bathroom, I felt very awkward but I still went along with it anyways.

" I need you, to bleach my hair." He softly smiled. I returned the smile.

I mixed the bleach powder with this stuff, don't ask me what it was called.

Justice sat on the counter and I began applying the hair bleach to his perfect hair.

I myself just wanted to cry doing this.

As I was applying the bleach in his, I stopped and realized he was looking into my eyes.

Everything happened so fast before I knew it we were both leaning in.

Little did I know fucking bleach would drop in my eye.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Oh my god Daisy!" Aww he sounded so worried and so kin- not the freaking point Daisy!

He had a wash cloth damp from hot water and rubbed my eye with it.

Omg my eye was on fireeeee. But so is Justice's face oh my lord.

After 5 minutes it stopped the burning.

It was already time to wash out Justice's hair so I had him lean against the sink.

I ran my fingers through his hair and washed it out.

After his hair dried he looked at it and was in love. I mean we all are in love with him, soooo.

"Justice do you have a Facebook?"

"Yup it just Justice Carradine."

I sent him a friend request and I was accepted. I decided I would write something on my status.

Daisy Trinidad: Baby your a 9 because I'm the 1 you need 😏

Yea I'm very corny. The post was for Justice but he doesn't know that.

Justice's P.O.V(suprise bitacch)

Oh my god this girl has me like woah.

She is so pretty no scratch that she is gorgeous. I just moved to California so I'm not going to ask her out yet.

But i don't think she even likes me though.


This chapter is so short i know please for give me and Justice Is so oblivious to Daisy.

Stay rad✌️,


I believe in you( Justice Carradine)Where stories live. Discover now