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-Daisy's POV-

I woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face ever. I changed into a normal school uniform. I curled my black and red hair like usual.

Duhh. I walked down stairs and saw my mom and little brother Daniel . My dad died tragically in a car crash.( like I said I don't know anything about Daisy)

"Sup mom, hey Daniel" I said with a smile, "Hey Daisy." Daniel replied. "Hey honey." I grabbed a banana and ate it it was 8:35 and the bus arrives at 8:40.

"Welp, I gotta run and catch the bus see ya later, love y'all." I walked out of the door and walked to the bus stop. I saw my closest guy friend Trever Moran. Ya I know thee Trever Moran as in O2L. Which I haven't met, Yet.

"Hey hot stuff," Trever said which made me laugh at his remark. "Hey good lookin'." I smiled. " I was wondering if you wanted to meet O2L today at my place we can take the bus, since it's Friday." Trever smirked. "Hell yea bae you know it!!!

"The bus finally pulled up and we got on. I saw Justice with some girl Emily. Of coarse, the girl that hates everyone for no apparent reason.Ugh.

I sat next to Trever and just talked about life.

*During first period*

"Justice and Daisy, you to will do the Volcano project." Ms. Hallow announced, me and Justice just nodded.-dinnnnnnnnnnnng-(Lol my bell ringing sound)

My favorite period, Music. Justice and I paired up let me just tell you he sang like an angel. I am very nervous to sing in front of him. What if he thinks its terrible. Ahhh. Justice finished his song. Great , my turn.

I am singing Hurt by Christina Aguilera. And so it begins." Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face, you told me how proud you were then I walked away."

* After singing and at lunch*

"btw you were amazing at music I love your voice." Justice said. " Awh thanks boo. You too your voice is da" I replied sweetly. I text my mom to let her know I was going to Trever's house after school. Phone Convo-

Me- mom is it ok if i go to Trever's after school? Mom- Of coarse honey, and this Trever boy huh? Me- Shut up he is like my best friend haha, well I got to go know, Bye ily

*After school on the bus*

Ermegerd Imma meet my baes. Sam is only like 3 years older than me. What if we go out! Stop thinking like that Daisy you barley know him and he doesn't even know me.

We arrive at Trever's house and I greet his mom. We walk up to Trever's room. I used his mom's makeup and curler. Yea im that good of a friend to him. His mom didn't care though. As I finished apply my mascara while Trever was watching, the doorbell rang. OMFG!

I sat on the couch pretending to be on my phone while Trever opened the door. I heard boys. Not any boys. Hot boys. Sam, Kian, Jc, Ricky, and Connor. (Even though connor is no longer in o2l and o2l is no longer well, o2l)


O2l must be in the nest chapter stay tuned to see what happends ;) Stay rad,


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