|a door away|

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forever3000 91sHVBIT
love you two 🥺


"I am scared Robin,he's not answering, there's literally no sound from inside" Harry began pacing as soon as Robert stopped.

"Calm down Harry, he's probably scared, asleep maybe?" Robert was debating if he was right either.

"Yah great, napping since yesterday morning, I bet he has a lot of energy now" Harry rolled his eyes because he just couldn't help, he didn't need fake comfort when his best mate was not alright.

"I know how you are feeling Harry, I do too, he is very close to me. Don't think I don't care, I have been here since yesterday, waiting for the door to open. If you can't help then atleast don't give me that look" any person pacing for around 24 hours becomes like this,no doubt.

"F*CK YOU ROBIN, F*CKING DO SOMTHING, DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING?" this wasn't something Harry would ever do if he was in the right state of his mind but he wasn't so...

"Fucking hell Harry, treat people with kindness?" Robert snickered cause he really was done right now.

"YES TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS BUT DO IT THE TOMMO WAY WHEN PEOPLE LIKE YOU STEP IN" Harry had to get everything out, even if this way necessary wasn't right.

"Now is the high time that I remind you, it's Robert" Robert was ready to walk out if he carried on with pestering both their brains when they should be thinking about what they could possibly do.


They feel silent as soon as they heard glass shattering loudly from inside the room, followed by possibly a remote hitting a wall or a tv, followed by a thud of a metal vase hitting the wall and rolling over. Lastly there was a thud at the door, possibly a punch that made Harry back away and almost fall if it wasn't for Robert catching him in the last second. They both looked at each other with wide eyes.

Harry rushed towards the door and banged it frantically,"ZAYN! Are you ok? Answer me please Zayn.... please".

He slid down the door defeated when there was no voice coming back in a reply. He didn't wanted to cry because he felt like he could transfer some strength in Zayn,if only he could.

Robert sat beside him and pulled him in with a hand on his shoulder. Harry muffled his crys with his hands, hoping Zayn doesn't hear him.


He could hear Harry's cries,how it sounded the same when he was leaving him years ago.

"Why do I keep hurting people so much,why don't they just stay away, I am nothing but harm, go away Harry go away" Zayn whispered to himself, clenching a hand over his heart but nothing to stop his ragged breathing that somehow matched with Harry's.

"I told you so, just tell him to go, shout it out love, he will go eventually just like everyone else" his thoughts definitely had a upper hand but a part of Zayn's heart wasn't ready to believe Harry would ever do that. The thoughts didn't knew Harry, he did.

"Just shut up please" Zayn pleaded.

"Alright, for now" and they began laughing, just like every other time.


"There's just one thing left,that we could do but..."Harry looked down and fiddled with his hands. He knew he had to but he wasn't ready for it.

"Harry, if it's the only thing we could do, then we need to because it...it might be too late if we don't..."Robert didn't need to say anything else because Harry understood, ofcourse he did and it didn't help his pacing heart that was ready to burst any minute now for so many different reasons.

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