|just hold on|

168 6 42

Again, these two lovelies forever3000 91sHVBIT

I split this chapter but somehow it's still more than 2000 words lol,hope you enjoy even though it will actually be really sad.


Louis literally kicked on Zayn's door the moment he was close enough but unfortunately it didn't fly open and he had to ring the doorbell till his fingers hurt.Someone rushed towards the door and unfortunately it wasn't his haz but Robert. He rushed in and unfortunately slipped on his own shoes.

He just wished nothing else was to be unfortunate.

He ran into the living room where he saw Harry huddled up near a door, possibly Zayn's. He dropped his shoes and coat from his hands and ran to harry.

"Its alright baby, I am here now, calm down haz, we can do this. Niall is possibly coming and I told him to inform Liam" he pulled Harry under his arms and at the same time he heard a broken sob from inside the room, his heart was hurting as if someone pulled it out and it was halfway through the shredder.

Harry pulled himself together for the sake of Zayn because he didn't want his crying to delay anything, he just wanted Zayn to be okay.

"What do we do lou, tell him, please tell him to come out please" Harry pleaded not caring if he sounded like a pathetic dog, neither did Louis or Robert.

Louis sushed him and placed Harry on the living room couch a few feet away from the door. He was slowly trudging towards the door as millions of memories were strumming through his head, pausing his shredded heart to go further.

('I am telling you loueh, liam will be proper pissed, don't do it' Zayn pleaded.

It was the very first time that Louis had got Zayn to help torture Liam but Zayn was still unsure, he would learn, Louis thought.

'You have the Nutella?' louis wishpered as they quietly entered into Liam's room and there was quiet humming from the washroom.

'here' Zayn handed the jar to louis and stepped back.

Louis took out a 🥄 of Nutella and stuffed it into the shoes ready to be wore after Liam's sweet little bath. He made sure that it wasn't visible from the outside and considering they had already slowed down Liam's clock, he would have to rush and would pay no attention to it. They changed the clock back to normal now.

The humming stopped and the water flow quit down.

'Hss mate, I think he's done, hurry up!' Zayn tsked as he heard the sink tap running.

'just a minute' Louis quickly tucked the spoiled spoon inside Liam's boxers for extra scare and rushed out with Zayn. A moment later they heard the bathroom's door open. The humming continued and then a deathly scream and clattering of spoon hitting the floor. It was Zayn's cue so he rushed in.

'why are you shouting mate and what the f*ck why arent you dressed yet!' zayn fake gasped as Louis contained his giggles from outside the door.

'what do you mean, I am an hour early anyways' liam rolls his eyes and looks at the clock to only have one more throat ripping scream. He didn't even bother to tell Zayn to get out and he quickly began to put on his clothes. He quickly combed his hair and rushed to put on his shoes as Zayn watched on with amusement and Louis was holding on his breath.

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