Chapter 4

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Dave watched Martin walk out of the empty cafe and down the street, before turning to face a grinning Knox. "What?" he said defensively.

"What was up with that dude? You like him?" Knox wiggled his eyebrows.

"What? No!" Dave laughed, putting his hands up as if to defend himself. "I mean, he's pretty, but really, it was just this bloke I met."

"Suuurreee." Knox rolled his eyes, then howled as Dave landed a friendly punch on his arm. "That hurt, you asshole!"

"I'm telling you, I have nothing but honourable intentions." Dave picked up a pail and cloth so he could start helping to wipe down the tables. "You won't believe where I met him. He was gonna jump off a bridge!"

Knox's eyes widened. "You're shittin' me."

"No sir, I am not. Why do you think I was so insistent on sticking by his side?" Dave dipped the cloth into the pail, then started on a stained table. "Do you think he left here suicidal? He didn't, right? Because I don't think I'll be able to sleep if I wake up tomorrow and read in the papers that he's gone and off-ed himself."

"You're such a paranoid android." Knox started scrubbing the crusted milk stains off the espresso machine's steam wand. "I think he looks fine."

"I hope so."

"Soooooo..." Knox had an evil look on his face, and Dave groaned. He knew that tone, knew that look. "You sure there's nothing going on with Martin?"

"Yeah, stop being an arsehole." Dave rolled his eyes as he moved on to the next table.

"But, you know, when you gonna start dating again? Even if it's not Martin, or whatever." The look on Knox's face was serious now. "I'm not kidding, man. I think you need someone in your life."

"I got someone." Dave thought of the random assortment of guys and girls that filled his bed on a regular basis. "In fact, I got several someones."

"Someone stable." Knox shook his head like a disgruntled father. "Seriously man, when was the last time you were in love? When was the last time you woke up in the morning with the biggest, stupidest grin on your face for no reason? You'd rather have a parade of faceless strangers night after night? You can't possibly tell me that's more meaningful than love."

Dave sighed. "I know. I'm just, you know, trying to find my feet. Once bitten, twice shy and all that."

Knox nodded knowingly. He already knew all about Joanne and Teresa, and how both of Dave's marriages had ended in disaster. "I'm not sayin' you gotta get married or anything. Just, you know, someone permanent. Someone stable."

"We'll see." Dave's tone pretty much indicated that this was the end of the conversation, and Knox only sighed before resuming his cleaning of the machine, the two of them working in silence.

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