Chapter 19

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After Johnny had helped him to top up the beer, Martin stopped to talk to some people whom he had met a few times before in the cafe. It was not long before they were interrupted by a completely drunk Knox who was laughing and madly hugging everyone. After almost getting crushed in such a hug, Martin managed to wriggle free and passed the slurring Knox to a highly amused Holly, then made his way upstairs. He had to find Dave, to share his success with someone.

He finally found Dave on the second floor inside Knox's office, hunting for a packet of cigarettes. He seemed relieved when he saw Martin. "Hey. You don't happen to have any smokes on you, do you?"

"Nope, sorry." Martin made his way over unsteadily, trying to focus on Dave who seemed to look even more attractive as he got increasingly frustrated. Martin flung his arms around Dave's neck with a laugh, and instantly the skin-to-skin contact allowed him to read Dave's thoughts. I like him. I really, really like him. What the hell am I doing here? He's obviously not interested. Why am I wasting my time? Gahan, you stupid idiot!

"You're wrong, Dave." Martin was smiling, still hanging onto Dave who was looking more and more confused. "You're so wrong. He is interested. Whoops, I mean. Haha! I mean, I am interested."

"Huh?" As Martin closed in, all he could see was the hazel of Dave's eyes, which looked very green up close. He smiled as he closed his own, pressing his lips to Dave's warm ones.

Dave's warm, unmoving ones.

"Uh, Mart?"

"Shhhh, it's okay." Martin pressed a finger against the lush redness. Dave had rather full lips, for a man. "S'okay, I want it too."

"Erm, Mart." Now Dave's hands were on his, and they were tugging slowly, but firmly. Tugging them down, away from his neck. "Mart, I think you're drunk."

"No, no, I'm not," Martin insisted, but now that Dave had stepped backwards, he was rather lost and confused. "No I'm not, Dave. I want this too."

"Want what?" The perplexed frown on Dave's face made him worried.

"Wait. I thought-" Martin placed a hand on Dave's arm, just to read his thoughts. A sick feeling lurched in his stomach when he realised, for the first time, that the name echoing in Dave's head wasn't his own. 

Dave was in love with Alan, not him.

Martin felt sick; he wanted to throw up. "Oh my God..."

"Mart, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Dave was shaking his head in distress, his eyes full of concern for Martin, even now. "Oh fuck, I'm such a bastard-"

"No, it's me." Martin just stood there, feeling like he wanted to disappear into a black hole. How could he have misinterpreted the signals? He pushed away Dave's hands. "I'm sorry, I'll just go."

"No, wait!"

Martin ignored Dave's call, running out of the office and down the stairs, past Holly and Flood who were staring after him enquiringly. He pushed his way through the crowd downstairs, just wanting to be alone. Nicole was now back with Vivienne, chatting excitedly, but Alan was nowhere to be seen. Still, it didn't matter now. He didn't think he could bear to look at the man who had the one thing he wanted.

The sharp night air hit his face like a slap as he tumbled out into the pavement, not wanting to do anything but walk in anonymous solitude for a while, something he had not done ever since he had come down to Earth to help Alan. For now, he needed to help himself.

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