Chapter 16

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Martin really couldn't be happier with the way things were going. Alan was finally opening himself up to the others, bit by bit, and his relationship with his daughter was improving by leaps and bounds simply because he was happier and had realised what his priorities in life really were. Now, all that was left on his to-do list was to help Alan along in finding a shot at love. He couldn't really think of a way to introduce a girl to Alan without being obvious about it, and there was probably not much of a chance that Alan was going to meet a girl on his own because his circle of friends seemed to be exclusively male.

He was sitting at Knox's and moping over a latte when Dave plopped down onto the seat opposite him. "Penny for your thoughts?" He was grinning widely. "You look like you're trying to solve world hunger. Or figure out what's for lunch."

Martin smiled nervously, like he always did when Dave was around. "Oh no, I was just thinking about life in general, I guess."

There was a mischievous glint in Dave's eye. "That's not what I think. I know that look on your face, Knox gets the same way sometimes. It's a woman, isn't it?" He leaned back triumphantly, folding his arms.

Martin laughed. "Well, I guess you could say that," he said, suddenly shy. He didn't want Dave to think he was attached or anything. "I was just thinking there is a serious lack of single women that I know of."

"Single women?" Dave snorted. "I know tons of single women. You want me to hook you up?"

"Oh no, not me." Martin was flustered now. "It's for a friend. I just think he should start dating again."

"Well, alright." Dave didn't look too convinced, though. "This 'friend' of yours, what is his type?"

"I don't know." Martin paused, thinking hard. "What do you think is Alan's type?"

It was amazing how the look on Dave's face just changed, as though Martin had suggested that his mother was of questionable parentage. "What?"

"I'm actually asking on Alan's behalf."

"Oh." There was a little frown deepening between Dave's eyebrows. "Erm, he asked you to hook him up?"

"No, I just thought he should get back into the dating scene." Martin was studying Dave intently. "After all, it's been four years since Hep, right? Just thought it would be nice for him to start going out again. Nothing serious."

"Right." Dave was picking at the skin on his fingernails, looking uncharacteristically disturbed. Martin really wondered if this meant that Dave still disliked Alan. What with all the time Dave and Alan had been spending together, he really thought their friendship had improved. Maybe they had not really gotten over their bad first impressions of each other at the exhibition and were only getting along for the sake of work. Still, now Dave was looking up at him and giving him a tight smile. "Well, I know this singer who might be good for Alan. She's a friend of mine."

"Great." Martin was still confused, but he was eager to get the topic over and done with. He didn't like to see Dave distressed. "We'll get Charlie here for coffee or something, and then you can bring her along and whoops, an introduction has been made."

"Sounds good. Her name is Nicole, I'll give her a ring later." Dave's smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"What about you?" Martin ventured to ask. "Seeing anyone yourself?"

"Nah. Not really. Not looking either." Now his smile was genuine. "I kinda met someone. But we'll see."

Martin's heart was beating very loudly, his ears filled with the roar of his pulse. Is he talking about me? He coughed, his eyes dropping to his coffee cup. "That's good...for you, I mean. Really good. I hope it works out."

The smile was still on Dave's face as he looked around the café, before those warm hazel eyes focused on Martin. "Yeah, I hope so too."

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