Chapter 26

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(Author's notes: Sorry I have been away, Covid ate me alive. Anyway I'm back and here to finish the story, hope there are still a few people reading!)

The next two weeks or so were really weird for Martin. He was supposed to be busy helping with the  launch of Alan's new album, but everything had come to a standstill because Alan was down with a really awful flu. So as a result, everyone else involved in the album had to pause their work and wait for him to get better as well.

To be honest, Martin didn't mind so much because it had given him some quiet time to reflect on this assignment from Fletch. If Alan were to really be his last case, Martin could rest easy because he thought he had pretty much achieved all the tasks Fletch had set out for him. Martin had made Alan come out of his shell, get over his grief and grow closer to his daughter, friends and family.

As for love - well, Martin tried not to think about it sometimes, because it still hurt.

During Alan's sickness, the one person who had been there for him without fail was Dave. Dave cheerfully helped with the chores and taking care of Paris until the housekeeper was back from leave. Even after Mrs Cheung's return, Dave still hung around and took very good care of Alan, running out to bring him meds, soup, books...anything Alan wanted.

Worst of all, Martin definitely didn't miss the soft, concerned smiles Dave would give Alan as he fed him his medicine and got him water. For every sign of affection Dave showed Alan, it sent several sick darts of jealousy straight into Martin's heart.

Martin didn't deny that one of his tasks was to help Alan find love again. But till this point, he'd refused to admit to himself that maybe Dave was that person for Alan. Martin still carried a torch for Dave, and besides, he didn't think Alan was actively returning Dave's affection. Sure, the last time Martin had checked, Alan hadn't been quite there yet. But still Martin couldn't help harbouring the tiniest sliver of hope that Alan hadn't fallen in love with Dave.

Then one day, when Alan was well on his way to recovery, Martin saw something that broke his heart completely.

He had made his way to Alan's house that afternoon with a good book and some homemade chicken soup. Paris let Martin into the house, and he smiled down at her as he ruffled her hair. "Hello, little lady. Where's your dad?"

"In the study," Paris said, happily accepting the sweets that Martin handed to her.

Climbing up the stairs to the second floor, Martin turned towards Alan's study with a grin. It was a cosy space with a very comfortable sofa where any of Alan's staff or guests could take a little break or nap. Martin had sat here a few times, even though he didn't require sleep as an angel. It was a very quiet spot that felt peaceful and safe.

However, his smile died when he saw who was on the sofa.

Alan was stretched out on the couch, his legs so long that they dangled off the edge. His head was resting on Dave's lap, and Dave was chortling as he told Alan some funny story. The two of them were laughing, even as Dave adjusted a cool towel that was draped across Alan's forehead, probably to ease the discomfort of his fading fever. 

The affectionate way Alan was staring up at Dave was unmistakable. He might as well have hearts in his eyes.

A lump grew in Martin's throat at this intimate little picture. Dave and Alan were so close and so cosy that they surely looked like a couple to any stranger who didn't know them. Martin turned away before they could see him, tears springing to his eyes. He didn't need to touch Alan to know that he had finally, finally fallen for Dave. And as for Dave - the way he'd been hanging around the house and waiting hand and foot on Alan could only mean one thing too.

Tiptoeing down the stairs, Martin left the soup and book on the kitchen counter before slipping out the back door unnoticed. He finally did it. He had finally achieved all his tasks for Alan, so why did it feel like his heart was breaking?

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