Chapter 7

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Someone had once joked that Knox's was practically a second home for Dave, and they had all laughed, but deep down, Dave knew it was much closer to the truth than anyone else knew. He liked the bustling cafe, which was also a hotspot for budding musicians, artists and poets, and he liked the eclectic mix of customers who also treated the place like their second home. 

Most of all, Dave didn't trust himself to be alone, didn't want to fall into old traps and old temptations. His rehab officer had warned him to steer clear of situations where he was most likely to be tempted, so Dave constantly surrounded himself with people. Besides, who else was better company than his best friend? Knox was a stable, kindly chap, and he would lie down in traffic for Dave, but he would also not hesitate to kick his arse if he ever caught Dave using again.

So Dave made sure to help out at the café as much as he could, doing everything from making coffee to cleaning the tables, but this relaxed lifestyle also gave him time to paint, to concentrate on his art.  He had already completed several paintings, and had helped Knox's friend, a budding poet named Shoshanna, design the cover for her first published book of poetry. Knox had suggested that Dave branch out into more types of design, and with the success of Shoshanna's book, he was beginning to think that Knox's idea was worth trying.

As Dave carted his latest painting to the second floor of the café, where Knox's office was, he saw his friend waving him over. "Hey Gahan, c'mere a sec!"

He set it down by the floor safe and walked over to Knox's messy desk. "Why, what's up?"

Knox was squinting at his desktop calendar. "Are you free on January 15th?"

Dave rolled his eyes. "Mate, do you see me doing anything here other than annoying you and standing around, picking my nose?"

"Good point." Knox was beaming at him. "Keep that date free, because we're having an art exhibition here in the café."

"Really?" Dave was interested, raiding the office mini-fridge for a beer and popping it open. "Whose?"

Knox grinned widely at him as he took a swig. "Yours."

Dave almost spat out his beer. "Are you kidding me?"

Knox shook his head. "No, I'm perfectly serious! Look, I've seen your paintings, they're ready for the world. Why wait any longer? It's time for me to give you a kick in the ass and force you to show them to everyone else."

Dave could feel his cheeks warming in a flush. "I really dunno, mate-"

"Aw, come on. For me, okay?" Knox's wheedling tone was annoyingly persuasive. "At least, do it and when it's successful, I can do my little dance and say I told you so."

Dave lifted his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. We'll do this. So it's the 15th?"

Knox punched the air in triumph. "Yes! So we'll have around two weeks to clear the furniture downstairs and clear the walls so you can hang your paintings. And we can use upstairs as the reception area, where you can do your wheeling's and dealings when people become infatuated with you and want to buy your art." Knox ignored Dave's groan. "And we can serve wine at the balcony, so you can romance some art critic chick who would just love to hear your views on Neo-Classical art."

Dave couldn't help laughing, waggling a finger at Knox. "Sounds like you've already planned out my life for me."

"Of course!" Knox pretended to take a bow. "I'll be waiting in the wings, ready to swoop in and take all the credit." His grin grew wider. "Hey, you gonna ask that Martin guy to attend your little exhibition?"

Dave shrugged. "I dunno, I guess so, if I see him again. Why do you ask?" It dawned on him when Knox started laughing evilly. "Oh no, you don't! I already told you, there's nothing going on with me and the bloke!"

Knox shrugged. "Well, he seemed pretty sweet on you, but whatever you say."

Dave shook his head at him as he rolled up his sleeves, bending down to pick up the painting. "Knox Chandler, you are one crazy motherfucker."

Knox only grinned in response, giving him a smart salute. "Ten four, good buddy."

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