Chapter 10

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Over the next week, Martin worked intensively with Alan on re-recording several guitar parts on his new album. When Alan discovered that Martin was adept at the keyboards as well, it led to an even more extensive retooling of the album, assisted by a very amused Flood who seemed only too glad to see his boss excited about something again. 

This meant that Martin spent most of his time either at Alan's home or the recording studio, and it left him little time to visit Dave and Knox again. Still, Fletch would have frowned upon his fraternising with humans whom he wasn't assigned to help. Alan was his main task, so he pushed all thoughts of Dave out of his head and concentrated on the quiet, guarded musician.

One of the factors working in Martin's favour was the fact that Paris seemed to adore him, always coming over to find him whenever they were working in Alan's home studio, sitting in his lap and chatting excitedly to him about school, Mrs Cheung the housekeeper or Lillian, her 'batty' friend. 

It amused him to no end, especially when Alan had appeared rather envious of Paris's fixation with the new guitarist and had attempted to monopolise his daughter's attention as well. This led to Alan spending a lot more time with Paris, which seemed to benefit both father and daughter, so Martin had absolutely no complaints.

It was one evening at the studio where Flood and Alan were trying to get a particular section right, and Paris was absorbed in a game on her Switch while Martin played some random tune on the piano. He looked up when Flood announced, "You know, I think this is it!"

Alan seemed exhausted, but the smile on his face was triumphant. "Yeah, I think we might be done."

"For the day?" Martin asked.

"Oh no, I meant the whole album is finally done," Alan said, laughing as Paris cheered happily, running over into his arms. "Want to go celebrate, sweetheart?"

"Yes please!" She nodded eagerly. "I wanna ice-cream, an' a Mars bar, an' a new doll..."

"Me too!" Flood interjected. "Especially the new doll!" He turned to Alan. "Hey, did the Baron get back to you about getting a cover artist?"

Alan made a face. "Yeah, he sent over some French bloke but he was crap. Didn't want to offend him, though. Might have to find one on my own."

Martin sat up. "If you're looking for an artist to do your album art, I may know a bloke for the job."

"Really?" Alan looked interested, tugging Paris closer to him and stroking her soft blonde hair. "Who is it?"

"Just a mate of mine," Martin told him. "He's actually having an art show tomorrow, maybe you guys could come and take a look?"

Alan nodded. "Sure. Flood, mate, you in?"

Flood shook his head regretfully. "Count me out, I promised the missus we'd have a date night."

Alan rolled his eyes at him and made the sound of someone getting whipped. "Wimp." He quickly dodged the cushion Flood tossed at him. "Anyway, Martin, just let me know the time and place, I'll be there."

"Excellent." Martin smiled, trying to ignore the heavy guilt deep inside him in the knowledge that he was shamelessly taking this opportunity to see a certain dark-haired, tattooed artist again. But then again, what Fletch didn't know wouldn't hurt him, right?

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