Chapter two

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TW: Self harm, mention of self harm and violant lanague 

Catherine woke up covered in sweat after having another nightmare she sighed getting up from where she was laying in the RV "Daryl?" she called out noticing that the RV was empty, she grabbed a knife before making her way out.

She climbs up the ladder to the roof of the RV noticing Carol sat on a chair  keeping watch "Excuse me?" Catherine asks as she approaches Carol "Do you know where my brother went?" she gasps turning around "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you" Carol clutches her chest sighing "It's okay aha, he went with Andrea to see if they could find Sophia" I nod "And Dale?" Carol fiddles with her cardigan "To find them" Carol responds as Catherine sits down next to her "Sophia? That your daughter or something?" She asks Carol nods sniffling "Yes, my only child around your age" Catherine smiles "I bet she's nice" Carol cracks a smile nodding again "She has the purest soul" "You'll find her just gotta have some faith," Catherine says "Thank you"  there was silence before Carol spoke "It's okay to be mad at your brother, just don't stay mad for too long you could lose him one day and wish that you could've let go of the past" Catherine looks down, deep down Catherine knew that Carol was right but she was finding it hard to not be mad at the fact that Daryl didn't try to find her and her sisters. She felt let down.

"That's them!" Catherine says to Carol and Dale pointing at the lights, hurriedly she climbs down running towards Daryl "Daryl!" She says he walks faster towards her "Shush, I'm here okay I'm here" He says as she crashes into his arms he holds onto her tightly "Please don't leave without letting me know where you are going" she says it was clear to Daryl that she was crying as she gripped onto him, he rubbed her back soothingly hoping that she was beginning to forgive him "I promise" He says as he closes his eyes.

Catherine stood not far from the group watching the bushes while kicking a stone her stomach twisting at the thought of what Marzia might do to Daryl when they get back to the farm "Yo Cat you coming?" Daryl called out "Yeah one second" she says picking a flower from the grass placing it on the car where they left supplies and a message for Sophia.

"Your not taking your truck?" Catherine asks as he gets onto Merle's old motorbike "Nah wasn't mine in the first place just found it and took it" Daryl says tapping the space behind him Catherine laughs lightly as she gets onto the motorbike.

The porch door sqeaks open as Rick, Lori, Maggie, Jimmy, Hershel, Patricia and T-Dog "How is he?" Dale asks "He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people" Lori says smiling relief filling Catherine's body "And Shane, we'd have lost Carl if not for him" Rick says Dale sighs happily and hugs Rick "Thank god" Carol says hugging Lori "We were so worried" "How'd it happen?""Hunting accident. That's all... just a stupid accident" Rick says patting Dale on the back. The porch door yet again sqeaks open revealing the other three Dixon girls "Daryl?" Catherine's heart sank as she turns seeing Marzia holding Charlie, Katie shakes her head almost as if she was refusing to believe that Daryl was stood right in front of them "What are you doing here?" Katie says Daryl keeps his head down "Is there a problem?" Maggie asks as Marzia put Charlie down "Yeah there is" she says as she stroms towards Daryl throwing a punch "Oh!" everyone was shocked as Marzia continues to slap and kick Daryl "Marzia stop that!" Catherine yells trying to pull her back "How could you! You left us! Did you even try to find us?!" Marzia screams at him as Jimmy pulls her way "Marzia you've got to calm down" Jimmy says holding her back "I hate you!" she yells "Enough! Marzia inside now!" Hershel yells causing everyone to stand still.

"How could you bring him back with you Catherine?" Marzia says shaking her head. Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Patricia, Jimmy, Katie, Catherine, Marzia and Charlie all sat and stood in the kitchen "What else did you expect me to do huh? Leave him there? His group wouldn't have left without him" Catherine slumped down into the chair "Then you should have left Rick's group there!" Marzia yelled "Marzia that's enough" Maggie says while rubbing soothing circles on Katie's back "I get it okay... He didn't come to find us and it was wrong he should have but he didn't, he is still our brother Marzia and I'm not willing to leave him behind knowing that if he gets hurt it's gonna be my fault and I'm not having that" Catherine says causing Marzia to sigh and storm out of the room "I'll talk to her" Maggie says following Marzia out of the room "I want everyone to calm down and figure this out later, we are going to hold a funeral for Otis I expect to see everyone outside in twenty minutes" Hershel stands before patting Catherine's shoulder "Go clean up" he says leaving the room.

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