Chapter Twelve

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The journey back to the highway was silent, the whole time Catherine sobbed silently until finally she fell asleep on Hershel's lap.

The sun had now raised high up in the sky but still the air outside was harsh and cold, Rick had pulled up next to many of the broken down and abandoned cars on the highway.

He took a deep breath in but exhaling "Alright we're here" he says before climbing out of the drivers seat, closing the door silently behind him.

Hershel had lightly shaken Catherine awake before he too left the truck.

"Well, where's Mom? You said she'd be here" Carl asked his father the worry was evident in his voice with a hint of anger 

"You coming on out, Cat?" Hershel asked, Catherine kept her head but nodded in response as she got out of the truck 

"They aren't here?" she asks kicking an empty water bottle to the side

"Not at the moment, no dear" Hershel replies leading her over to Rick and Carl 

"We gotta go back for her" Carl says Rick shook his head


"No. Why are we running?" Carl bared through his teeth 

"What are you doing? It's... It is Mom. We need to get her and not be safe a mile away" his voice cracked a little 

"Shh. You need to be quiet, all right? Please" Rick whispers causing Carl to sigh lightly 

"Please... It's Mom" Carl says tears were forming as he looked up at Rick 

Rick bends down "Look, Carl, listen..." Carl rips his arm away from Rick grip 

"No" he storms past Catherine as he sobs lightly leaving Rick, Hershel to stand there silently while Catherine chases after Carl.

Rick stands about to follow Carl

"Rick"Hershel says stopping Rick 

"You've got to get your boy and Cat to safety. I'll wait here for my girls and the others. I know a few places. We'll meet up at one of them later" Hershel says

"Where? Where is safe? We're not splitting up" Rick says 

"Please, keep them safe. I'll hide in one of the cars. If a walker gets me, so be it. I've lost my farm. I've lost my wife and maybe my daughters" Hershel looks down

"You don't know that! They'll be here." Rick argues 

"And you don't know that" Hershel responds

"You're a man of God. Have some faith" Rick was becoming annoyed

"I can't profess to understand God's plan, but Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought her had something a little different in mind" Hershel looks over to the woods next to the high way as Rick sighs 

"We stick together" He says before walking away.

Catherine walked back over to Hershel as Rick went over to Carl

"Here" she says handing him a water bottle "You should drink, you might be in shock" Hershel smiled taking the bottle from her

"Guys, get down" Rick whisper/yelled pointing to a walker heading down 

Hershel and Catherine both croched over and ran as silently as possible over to the truck next to Rick and Carl, Rick watches the walker as it slowly walks on the opposite side of the truck Carl turns to Catherine 

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