Chapter Thirteen

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It had been weeks now since they were all on the road, they had been drifting from house to house but nothing ever seemed safe enough for more than a day or two when walkers would show up in small herds.

Catherine was sat by the window sharpening her makeshift arrows as she kept an eye out for any danger 

"Do you think the snow will melt soon?" Katie asks as she counts her ammo

"I'm not sure, it feels like it's getting colder day by day if I'm honest" Catherine sighs

"Hey Charlie, can you pass me that cloth?" Katie asks pointing behind her

"Whatcha doing?" Carl asks as he comes into the room

"Getting ready to try and hunt something down... even a squirrel would do at this point," Catherine says placing her arrow into her quiver 

"Can I come?" he asks sitting down 

"Are you gonna get me killed by your father? or mother?" Carl laughs


"Ask for their permission and then maybe I'll allow it" 

Carl's eyes widen as he jumps back up 


Catherine nods

"Yeah but you might wanna ask Katie if you can take her place," Catherine says pointing to Katie who sat by the fireplace

Carl went to open his mouth to speak

"Go ahead" Katie answers before he got the chance to ask, smiling he ran out of the room to find his parents

"You sure you wanna go out by yourself with him?" Katie asks, placing her water down

"He needs more experience, plus I can handle myself"

"I know you can, but I'm asking to just be sure"

"You don't have to worry about me all the time" Catherine laughs packing a drink into her backpack 

"I'm your sister so yes I do," Katie says handing Catherine a small rag that wasn't exactly dirty but defiantly not clean

"Use it if you cut yourself"

"Hey! They said I can but to stay as close as possible" Catherine turns seeing Carl smiling widely with his gun holstered to his hip 

"Alright let's go then" Catherine hugs Katie and Charlie before walking over to Carl 

"Be safe" Katie says worry was already painted over her features


"So, you haven't really talked to me recently..." Carl says as they walk through a tiny section of woods towards a street 

"And I was just wondering did I do something?" Catherine sighs

"Okay let's get one thing straight Carl. You may be 14 and I may be 13 but we aren't kids"

"What does that have to do with this?" Carl stops 

"You act like a child! You never act responsibly" Catherine says continuing to walk ahead leaving him to catch up


"How? Jesus Carl, the other day you killed one walker and you said I win" Carl laughs

"You annoyed at me because of that?" He asks as they enter a house 

I'm only human (Carl Grimes fanfic) Completed.Where stories live. Discover now