Chapter Seven

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"Holy shit" Glenn says as he walks over to Rick and Hershel, Catherine stood behind the bar still watching the windows "You all right?" Rick asks Glenn looks up to Rick "Yeah" He says silently "Hershel?" Hershel doesn't respond for a few moments he just looks at the two bodies.

Sighing he nods "What about you, Catherine?" Rick says turning around to face her "Yeah, I'm fine" She says Rick nods "Let's head back" Hershel says, Rick bends over grabbing Tony's shotgun and checking his pockets looking for bullets while Glenn hesitates to grab Dave's gun from the floor. Catherine wonders if Glenn had ever been in a situation like this before, she sighs walking over to him "You sure you're okay?" She asks him "Yeah... yeah, I'm good" she nods following him towards the door "Car. Car" Rick whispers as a car approaches, the headlights shone through the windows indicating to Catherine that she was right too nervous about there being more of them.

"Get down" Rick whispered as they all quickly but silently crouched down by the windows next to the door. Catherine took in a sharp breath as she grabbed her gun from the back of her pants getting ready in case something bad was going to happen, the car outside came to a halt just the sound of the engine stopping was enough to make Catherine feel nervous but when the car doors opened and slammed closed her heart sank. They must have heard the shots.

"Dave? Tony? They said over here?" A man called out "Yeah" another replied. Catherine's heart was racing as she clutched tighter onto her gun "I'm telling you I heard shots" Catherine looked at Glenn his panic was evident as he too clutched to his gun "I saw roamers two streets over. Might be more around here".

"It's hot. We gotta get out of here" Catherine moved over to Rick silently "Dave! Tony!" the man called out again "Shut up, you idiot! You wanna attract 'em? just stick close. We're gonna find 'em" Catherine pointed to the door and windows indicating to Rick that the men were standing outside "Dude, he said to stay close" Rick nods "Tony".

"Why won't they leave?" Glenn whispers "Would you?" Hershel whispers back "We can't sit here any longer" Rick says "Yeah no shit, we are sitting ducks here, we could head out the back?" Catherine says Rick nods "And make a run to the car" Rick says Hershel nods as they all go to stand a shot is fired causing them to all quickly go back to the windows "What happened?" someone says outside "Roamers, I nailed 'em" two other men jog over to the other one "They disappeared but their car's still there" Catherine leans against wall panic setting in even more "I cleared those buildings. You guys got this one?" Rick looks over to Glenn and Hershel "No".

"Me neither" they start jogging over to the bar "We're looking for Dave and Tony and no one checks the damn bar?" The footsteps approach making the floorboards outside creak, the door opens Glenn quickly scoots in front of the door closing it "What?" Glenns eyes were wide "Someone pushed it shut. There's someone in there" Catherine's breath got stuck in her throat.

 "Yo, is someone in there?" One of the men said loudly "Yo, if someone's in there, we don't want no trouble. We're just looking for our friends" Catherine's eyes trailed over to one of the bodies.  

"What do we do?" one of the questions 

"Bum rush the door?" the other replies 

"No, we don't know how many are there. Just relax" Catherine looks at Glenn who seemed like he was trying to hold his breath to be quieter 

"We don't want any trouble, We're just looking for our friends" they say loudly again.

Hate to tell them but their friends are lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood Catherine thought to herself. "If something happened, tell us. This place is crawling with corpses. If you could help us not get killed, I'd appreciate it."

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