Chapter 7

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I woke up with more determination than I've ever felt. Raven will not rule my life any longer than she already has. I got out of bed with a spring in my step before walking into my en-suite bathroom to take a shower and do my daily routine.

I made my way down the stairs to see everyone either in the kitchen or lounging around in the living room. I'm so glad to see them, I missed them while I was in my self induced solitary confinement. I tried not to take note of their shocked expressions at seeing me out of my room but it was hard not to notice.

I went to the kitchen to grab myself something to eat. After looking through the fridge twice and picking up and putting down several pieces of fruit I opted to not eating anything. I knew it wasn't healthy to skip meals but I couldn't find it in me to care. I was used to skipping meals due to my fights with anorexia. No one ever knew I was anorexic since I was never skinny but the thoughts and actions were always there.

"I think I'm gonna go out for a run. I've been couped up in the house for too long that I'm getting restless. I should be back in a few hours."

I was heading towards the door when Mariah grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm happy to see you out of your room," she said. "We've all been worried about you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

I gave her a genuine smile, truly grateful that someone cared. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to have someone care for me of their own free will and not because they "had to". I gave her a hug and told her I would before I let go and walked out of the door.

It was bright outside, so bright that I had to shield my eyes to keep from going blind. Being couped up in my room for so long with the curtains pulled tightly had taken its toll on me. After my eyes had adjusted, I looked around the yard and smiled, taking in a deep breath. I didn't realize how much I missed being outside, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the cool breeze against my skin. Walking towards the tree line, I took time to listen to the birds chirping from their roosts.


Flashes of the black ravens circling around me with their piercing red eyes, their shrills fill the air. A gentle breeze brushed past me carrying the bone chilling laughter of her. No matter how much I told myself I wasn't scared, I was. I was terrified of the ravens. I was terrified of their caws. I was terrified of her. Unable to take it any longer, I put my hands over my eyes and closed my eyes as tightly as I could.

"Go away! GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I began to yell before taking off into the trees. It probably wasn't the smartest thing I could do but I was getting desperate. No matter how far or how fast I ran her laughter and the sounds of the black ravens followed me.

Little did I know that I was about to cross paths with something that would change my life forever.

I continued running with my eyes closed and my hands over my ears. How I didn't hit a tree I'll never know. I ran for what seemed like forever until I came into a small clearing, the break in the trees creating a small circle. Since my eyes were still closed, I had no way of knowing that there was a fallen tree in my path. I kept running until my foot caught the side of the tree and sent me tumbling forward. I quickly tried to use my hands to catch myself. Standing up, I used my hands to brush off the debris from my clothes before looking down at my scratched hands.

"Smooth. Real smooth." I shook my head at myself as I watched my hands mend themselves back together and completely heal over. It was almost as if it had never happened.

A twig snapped off to my right. Suddenly, I wasn't alone. Turning in the direction of the sound, I positioned my body into a defensive stance. I waited for whatever made the noise to make it into the clearing. My blood was rushing through my ears and all I could hear was its whoosh whoosh sound. I caught sight of something red flash between the trees as my body tensed. Whatever it was, it was getting closer.

The red figure stepped out of the trees. The figure turned out to be a reddish brown wolf. It had been a while since I had seen another red wolf but this one has lighter fur than my own. I watched it watch me, as if it were curious. The wolf took a step towards me and I immediately started to growl, the sound low in the back of my throat. It seemed to stop and tilt it's head to the side, like a confused puppy. That was when I seemed to have gotten a whiff of the wolf.

Lycan. This wolf was like me.

"Shift. I know what you are and I demand that you shift. I want to speak to you." I tried to make my voice sound strong and demanding as I stared down this person who was like me.

The wolf looked hesitant for a moment, as if to think if it should, before finally changing back to a human in a soft green glow. A girl stood before me, a very beautiful girl. She had medium reddish brown hair and pale skin, from the look of it we were about the same height. Slowly, as if our feet were moving on their own, we made our way closer to each other. When we were a few feet apart, we both stopped and stared, each checking out the other. Now that we were close enough, I could finally see her eyes. They were beautiful. A unique hazel with flecks of blue, green, and gold. I was drawn into them, like I was drowning.

"What is your name?" I managed to say. The blood was rushing in my ears still but I strained to hear what she said.

"Stella. My name is Stella Silver." Her voice was like the chiming of bells, soft and sweet.

"Nice to meet you Stella. My name is Luna Wolf." I chuckled at the realization of our names. Stella and Luna, it was almost as if we belonged together.

Oh hello there <.< I know it's been forever but I have a very good reason! Ya see, I got pregnant in November of 2013 and was due in August of 2014. Due to severe health complications I had to have my daughter at 31 weeks (full term is 40 weeks) in June of 2014 via emergency c-section. She weighed a whole 2 lbs 11 oz and was 14 inches long. She was TINY to say the least. Because she was so early and so small, she spent 5 weeks in the NICU. I was a nervous wreck and was hit hard with postpartum depression to the point where I almost had to be forced to see my daughter (mind you I LOVE her to death, depression is just a very mean monster who holds me hostage a lot). After those 5 weeks I barely slept with having to wake up every 2 hours to feed her for months before she started sleeping through the night.

Anyway, long story short, I've had a rough yet joyful year. I just want to thank all of you for reading my story and being patient. I hope to write more when I'm not busy chasing my now 13 month old. Please leave me comments if you like the story and vote if you want to.

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