Chapter 5

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Author's Note:

If anyone is confused, please let me know. If you have any questions, let me know. Have any suggestions, you got it, please let me know lol. Without further ado, I now present chapter 5! :D

Chapter 5

Trying mu best to avoid all windows, I raced down the stairs to greet the guests in my new home. Voices began drifting up into the stairwell, the sounds bouncing off of the walls before colliding with my ear drums. There were two voices I didn't recognize, both male. This startled me for a second. Joey was the only guy I have met since being here and I didn't quite know how to react to meeting more.

"They're friends of our new friends, Luna. There is nothing to be afraid of. Your friends wouldn't allow them to hurt you." I sighed, she was right. "Smell the air before you walk down to meet them if you're really worried to meet them."

Realization hit me. "Duh, I am a lycan after all." I physically did a facepalm, smacking my forehead with the palm of my hand creating an audible "THWACK" sound. Unsurprisingly, it didn't hurt at all considering I do it so often due to my idiocy.

Taking Luna's advice, I began sniffing the air. To my surprise, both of the guests in my new home are human. This new discovery had me laughing at myself. Humans were no threat to me. My dominant nature usually had most males running away from me with their proverbial tails between their legs, although there were the rare occasions when it didn't seem to affect them much at all. Of course, I usually contained this power unless it was absolutely necessary. Even though I am a girl, I refuse to be pushed around and seen as a lesser being.

I guess you can say I'm not a "normal" girl. I'm not looking for "Prince Charming" to come and sweep me off my feet and whisk me away while they go fight dragons and other creatures. I want to go fight dragons, too. I want to get down and dirty and protect those I love. Don't try to cage me in like a helpless bird, I wasn't meant for that.

Besides, who said I wanted a guy anyway? I am not a lesbian, but in fact bisexual and still very attracted to guys, but most guys try to control me. What they don't understand is that you can't control the wind, you can't tame the wild, and you sure as hell can't control me. I can be a good little housewife if I want to be but there is no way you force me to do something I don't want to do.

After taking a deep cleansing breath, I followed my ears to find everyone in the living room. I immediately spotted our guests. One guy was bordering on anorexic while the other was on the heavier side. They looked like they would be complete opposites and never interact with each other instead of best friends. How did I know they were best friends? Living alone for most of my life has caused me to constantly assess everyone and everything around me. Their body language always gives them away. Just like I can tell Beka thinks the anorexic one is cute. For some odd reason, that really bothered me. Hmmmm strange.

I walked completely into the room and made my presence known. Akiko was the first one to acknowledge me and was instantly by my side. She put a gentle arm around me before introducing everyone.

"Luna, these are our friends Daemon and Dante. Daemon and Dante, this is our new friend Luna so be nice to her."

Such interesting names, I thought. After the introductions, I found out the anorexic guy is Daemon and his heavy-set friend is Dante. They both nodded in my direction in the form of a "hello" and I smiled in return. Taking a closer look, I tried to remember what these two people, friends of my friends and maybe one day my friends, look like.

Daemon has red hair and pale blue eyes, your typical boy of Irish decent. He wore classes with pretty thick lenses, meaning he couldn't see very well. Accenting his skinny body was a tight fitting Flogging Molly band t-shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black Converse shoes that were big enough for a clown. What really caught my attention was the amount of black eyeliner and mascara he wore, along with the three gauges he has in both ears, the smallest being about a 12 or so. At that moment, I knew he was going to be a pretty interesting guy.

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