Chapter 6

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Author's Note:

I'm sorry for going AWOL for so long. My life has been really hectic lately and, though I won't go into the details, I am going through a rough patch in my life. This chapter is being written on my phone so I apologize in advanced for any mistakes or things of that sort. Thank you for you understanding.



Chapter 6

The next fews days were spent in solitary. I felt like that was the safest thing to do. Raven had really thrown me for a loop and the fact that I couldn't see her had only scared me more. I knew my pack was worried about me, I could tell just by how frequently they came to check on me. I always told them I was fine, even though I wasn't. I told them that I had eaten, though I actually hadn't. I told them that I had done other things besides sleep, even though that's all I had done.

My every thought was completely consumed. A dull buzzing sound now rang throughout my ears, effectively blocking out my connection to Luna. I was lost and now I was alone.

Whenever I closed my eyes it was the same scene, in the same place. A continuous dream that reoccurred no matter how many times I had woken up for how long. It was always the same.

I was alone in a random area of the forest at night, standing in a clearing, the trees creating a makeshift circle around me. The fog was dense, I couldn't see outside of the small ring I was standing in. Sounds cliché, right? A girl alone in the forest, surrounded by fog. Of course, something had to be after her, right? It just wouldn't be a dream, or nightmare rather, without someone after her.

The thing after me was always the same. The voice was always so clear, so menacing, and yet sweet at the same time. Always saying the same thing. I couldn't escape. I couldn't hide. I couldn't run.

Even in my dream, I couldn't see her. What most people are afraid of isn't really the monster itself, but the not knowing. You see a shadow flicker across your wall in the middle of the night, the fear starts seeping in. Your mind conjures up this elaborate monster with sharp teeth and a need for something that only you can satisfy, whether it be your blood or your flesh. You see the shadow creep closer and closer, as if it's stalking you, prolonging the suspense. You see it ready to pounce. You follow the shadow to get a look at the monster that is about to be the cause of your demise. Only to find it wasn't really a monster after all, but your family pet.

Even with this knowledge, I can't help but be terrified. What does this Raven person want with me? Who is she? How does she know me? What does she look like? These are all questions I don't think I'll get answered any time soon.

Back to the dream. She stayed in the dense fog, only allowing dark flashes to be seen. Just barely getting close enough so that I would know where she was. You'd think that was the worst part? Oh no, that was the nice part. When Raven thought I had been there long enough and I needed to be woken up, that's when the nightmare started. One by one, a set of red eyes would appear in the trees. Appearing slowly at first before rapidly multiplying until all of the trees surrounding the clearing where alit with the glow emanating from their glowing eyes. A single raven would begin to crow, seemingly sounding an attack. All of the ravens would fly from their roosts, all heading in the same direction. All heading straight for me.

I would begin screaming, cowering down into a tight ball with my arms and hands covering my head. The ravens would circle around me, each releasing a shrill crow of their own, as they became a living tornado. Black and red continue to swirl around me as I kept screaming, eventually waking myself up with a start. Sweat coated my body every single time. My hair would be sticking up in every direction as well as being matted to my face.

It happened without fail, always the same. I knew she was toying with me. This Raven character was trying to break me down mentally, emotionally, and physically. No matter how much I slept, I was still exhausted. The dark corners of my room would shine with those same glowing red eyes whenever I stared too long in one spot. I was losing my mind, seeing things that weren't really there and hearing the dreaded crowing of the birds that weren't really there. I was afraid to be awake and even more terrified to go to sleep.

I sat on my bed with my knees bent up, my arms held tightly around them, and my face hiding in them with the mentality of nothing being able to see me if I can't see them. I just wanted to hide from everyone, I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be seen.

"Luna, I wish you were here to help me. I really need you, dear friend."

No response.

I sigh, feeling useless, helpless, and run down. What was I going to do? I can't keep living like this, this isn't really living! I don't know what to do. I clench my fists in frustration and let out a low growl.

"Raven, you bitch. You're ruining my life. I don't know what you did to Luna and why I can't talk to her but you better bring her back! You will not break me, I will not fall! I will prevail!"

Silence. That was all I got in response. Was I expecting her to answer? I don't know. Was I expecting Luna to speak to me again? No, but I was hoping she would. I steeled myself and my determination. Tomorrow I would leave the confines of my room. I will win.

Fear the Song of  the Black Raven (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now