Chapter 2

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Sorry this took so long guys! The President was visiting my college (October 4, 2011) so I decided to hide out in a Starbucks! Yay for me! This has really put a damper on my day so, to cheer myself up, I’ve decided to write the next chapter of Black Raven! :D Please bear with me as this chapter is mainly going to be about Luna and her relationship with her inner Beast (aka her inner wolf).

Please remember to comment and vote if you like it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!!!

<3 Pandora

Chapter 2

I followed my new packmates through the woods, taking in every scent and sight that I could. Akiko and Beka were leading the way as Mariah lingered in the back, seemingly cautious of me even after I decided to join their pack. I jogged a little to catch up with Beka so I could talk to her.

“Beka, does Mariah hate me or something? It seems like she doesn’t want me here…” Beka could tell it was upsetting me because she gave me an apologetic smile and said, “Love, she doesn’t hate you. That’s just the way she is around people she doesn’t know. Give her time and she’ll come around.”

I sighed and briefly glanced back towards Mariah. She was so far back that, without my enhanced vision, I wouldn’t have been able to see her. It saddened me to the core that she was so afraid of me. She seemed so nice and sweet and all I wanted to do was befriend her but she never seemed to want to give me a chance.

I took a deep breath, breathing in all of the new scents from my new home, my new territory, and concentrated. As I focused and found my center I started to become calm, creating an inviting aura around myself. Once I became outwardly calm, I began doing the one thing that has always helped me when I was nervous. I talked to the Beast within me. She was a part of me, the raw, primal side that made me who I am. She has always protected me from all of the outside forces that threatened to hurt me. She has even waged wars within me when my biggest threat to my safety was myself. For all of these things I was eternally grateful.

Before we set out to find a pack, I spoke with her about the basis of my identity. If I were to find a pack to join and was accepted, should I use my birth name or my true name, the name of my Beast. Without hesitation, my Beast instructed me to use my true name, her name, Luna. From the day I left the retched place I used to believe was “home”, I became known as Luna. My past identity was figuratively thrown from me and was forgotten. Since that day, Luna and I have become one. We confide in each other, speak to each other on a regular basis, as well as depend on one another.

‘Luna, I need your help,’ I began to speak to the Beast within. As usual, it didn’t take long to get a reply, ‘Yes, my dear. What do you need?’ Her voice was so sweet and melodic that all of my nervousness immediately melted away into my surrounding environment. ‘Luna, I don’t know what to do about Mariah. She seems to be very afraid of me for some reason and I really want to gain her trust. Please help me.’ Luna seemed to ponder for a moment, pacing and thinking within me. While she thought, I began to stare at the canopy of trees above me, watching the light filter through the leaves. A few moments later, Luna began to speak again.

‘I have the answer, my dear child. In order to gain her trust you must submit yourself to her.’ I gasped. Luna has never allowed herself to become submissive to anyone. She respected authority figures and didn’t get into much trouble but she never submitted to them. ‘Luna,’ I proclaimed. ‘Are you sure about this? You’ve never allowed us to submit to anyone before, not even the pathetic excuse for human beings called my “parents”. The word “parents” was almost spat as if their being in my mouth would leave a bad taste. ‘Now dear, what have I told you about being nice?’ Her voice was very stern and I knew I had angered her which caused me to sight, ‘To always be nice even though I don’t like them.’ Luna’s smile was evident through her voice, ‘Very good, my child. The way of the wolf is to always be respectful. There are very few cases in which respect should not be given.’ I internally rolled my eyes and sighed at her comment, ‘Yes oh Great Luna, the most knowledgeable One in all the Universe.’ She playfully growled, ‘Watch it, girl. The sarcasm wasn’t necessary.’ I knew better than to show Luna fear, even though I hated it when she growled at me, playfully or not. There was a pause before a melodic chuckle rang throughout my mind, ‘Very good, my child! You didn’t quake in fear when I growled at you!’

I began smiling and giggled a little. It wasn’t every day when I finally do something right without Luna counseling me. Before I could stop myself I realized I actually started giggling out loud. I was in shock that I actually did that! Hiding my face in my hands I began to blush from embarrassment.

I looked through my fingers to see my packmates smiling and giggling at me. My hands fell from my face, confusion replacing the embarrassment on my face. I was shocked to see them laughing at me instead of being terrified like everyone from back “home”. Before I could ask what they were laughing at I heard a voice that shocked me.

“Talking to your Beast?” I spun around on my heels to see the person whom the voice belonged to, Mariah. I was stunned into silence. Not only did my packmates know what was going on but Mariah actually spoke to me, fear and caution completely erased from her body. Even after I took a step toward her she didn’t freeze in fear. My caution to frighten her disappeared and I ran towards her and, upon reaching where she was standing, enveloped her in a hug.

“You finally accept me as a packmate!!!” I squealed in happiness. She hesitantly urged her hands up to hug me back, every little movement becoming more fluid and less robot-like. “I didn’t know how you would react if you knew how different we are,” she said. “We’re the only lycans we know of that can actually talk to our Beasts. The fact that you can has proved to me that you actually belong with us.”

I took a step back to look at her face, just in time to see a single tear, glistening in the sun, streak down her beautiful face even though she wore a smile. I returned her smile and reached up to wipe away her tear. “I am a reject, different from those whom I have met through my search for a pack. I always knew I was different, which is why I was afraid I would never find a pack who would accept me…” I looked down as a tear escaped my bright topaz eyes, not wanting anyone to see me cry.

My body jolted into the hard embrace of three figures, my packmates, my family. They all held me as tightly as they could as they said in unison, “You belong with us. We love you, Luna.”

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