Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The house was huge. Before me was a big open room, half was the living room while the other half was the kitchen. The living room consisted of a large leather sectional couch on beautiful cherry wood colored hardwood floors, a very large flat screen TV on an entertainment center surrounded by various stands with a multitude of movies, and surrounding all of those were surround sound speakers. I then looked over to the kitchen and I was in heaven. I love to cook, to say the least. Everything was massive and industrial sized, even the sink.

“Like what you see?” It was Joey. He must have noticed me gawking at the kitchen.

“It’s like a dream come true! It’s all so….beautiful!” That was all I could say before walking into the kitchen to run my fingers over the machines, admiring the feel of civilization in the midst of the forest.

Akiko walked up next to me and smiled, “I’m guessing you like to cook?”

I turned to her and smiled back. “That would be an understatement. Even saying love would be an understatement.”

“We’ll have to keep that in mind next time we’re hungry.” She began to giggle. It was so genuine and adorable that I couldn’t help but smile and giggle back. This is my family, where I belong. I have felt out of place my whole life, just drifting through this world, never really being accepted by much of anyone. That is, until I stumbled upon these wonderful people. It feels like things might actually be looking up for me in life, that I might actually have a chance to be happy with people who understand me. With people who…love me. I must admit, it feels nice to be loved and cared about.

Stop fretting, Child. Be happy that you have people who will love you like I do. I just know you’re going to love it here as much as I will.” There was a smile in her already melodic voice, pulling a smile from my lips. “Thank you, Luna,” I told her. “I just know we’re going to be happy here.” I knew she was right and I was ready to enjoy this new life with her.

Beka and Mariah walked into the kitchen and interrupted our little moment we were having. “I’m sorry to separate you from your new lover,” Beka says, motioning to the kitchen. “But we kinda figured you’d like to see your new room.” Before she could speak another word, I was already running towards them and engulfed them both in an enormous hug.

“Thank you guys so much! I would love to see my new room!” I was excited beyond belief and for a very good reason. I knew I’d have privacy here, not that I’d particularly need it. When I was living at my parents’ house, which was nowhere near a “home” to me, I had no privacy. I was not allowed to shift into my wolf form, I was not allowed to speak to Luna out loud (which I still do quite often), and I was never allowed to be alone. My parents refused to think I was different because their precious son was the one with all of the mental illnesses and limited capabilities. Their expectations they had for me were so high that I just couldn’t handle it. I was being choked in my own “home”, crippled by my own parents’ expectations. How was this even fair to me? It wasn’t my fault all of that happened to my brother. It isn’t my fault I mysteriously ended up with the Lycanthrope gene running through my veins. My father is the hardest on me and expects the most. Why? I don’t know nor do I care now. They may be my family by blood but I feel nothing towards those heartless creatures. And they had the nerve to call me a “beast”.

I shook myself from my incessant rambling within my head. It was all in the past now. This was my present, my future. After finally letting go of Beka and Mariah, they led me to a spacious staircase leading to the second story. I quickly followed behind them, excited to reach my new room. As we passed the middle landing between the two flights of stairs, something black crossed in front of my peripheral from the outside window. I quickly looked out of the window only to see nothing. Nothing at all. My paranoia started to set in, causing my chest to tighten and my throat to constrict. My breathing became labored and came in short gasps, causing the edges of my eyesight to grow dark around the edges.

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